Recent content by averian

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    Introduce Flawlesspicks (Premium & Vip Picks)

    Where can i check rules lol is thêre any market place on this great forum?
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    Sports betting group

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    Introduce Flawlesspicks (Premium & Vip Picks)

    Bump last week 20 wons - 3 loss This week 26 wons - 6 loses Hêre is last 3 dáys proofs
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    Introduce Flawlesspicks (Premium & Vip Picks)

    Dear MMO, Many people love following and betting on football or other sports but not too many are making profit. We are a team of three tipsters, Chris, Alex and Wiss man, with many years of experience in the betting industry. Join us and we’ll help you to make money whilst enjoy watching your...
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    Yo Yo Champ is hêre

    Yo Yo Champ is hêre
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    Chris hêre

    Chris hêre
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    Sports betting group

    Hey Guys, This is chris from UK I've good knowledge of sportsbetting since 4 years I've been into I'd like to create a skype group and fb group I'll post some good tips Ìf any interested let me know thanks Cheers, Chris
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    Sell Opportunity for small center (USA Project) Call Center Project

    Great Opportunity for small centers looking for professional lead generators that are able to communicate with small business owners in the United States in English. We require that you have an EXCELLENT English speaking and writing skill level. You must be able to speak very clearly with...
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    Short Task 1-5 minutes (0.10-1$)

    contact me on skype : cris.cool9
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    Short Task 1-5 minutes (0.10-1$)

    Please use english
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    Short Task 1-5 minutes (0.10-1$)

    Need few people to do short task 0.10-1 $ for 1-5 Minutes work Ìf interested contact me on skype cris.cool9 Please use english only
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    Need some to do 5 minutes work

    Hi, I nêd few people to do 5 minutes work I can pay you 0.05-0.50 per 5 minutes ták Ìf any interested i dont have to give reply hêre you just contact me on skype : cris.cool9 Cheers, Cris
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    1-5 min job I'll pay tier 1 upto 10 $,tier 2 upto 5$, tier 3 upto 3 $ tier4 upto 1 $

    I didnt recv any call yet from you its pretty simple work I'll b always available on skype

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