99DEFI New Token Contract Update:
99DEFI: New Contract Update!
Contract Address
Contract Address: 0xfC50d8349131cACB76fC0CEaed6886a4df6eBEd2
DFI | Address 0xfC50d8349131cACB76fC0CEaed6886a4df6eBEd2 | BscScan
The Contract Address 0xfC50d8349131cACB76fC0CEaed6886a4df6eBEd2 page allows users to view the source code, transactions, balances, and analytics for the contract address. Users can also interact and make transactions to the contract directly on BscScan.
Token Swap contract will be announced.
Holders should transfer the 99DEFI token to a swap Contract or a Google sheet will be given shortly, and New 99DEFI Token will be transferred to the same wallet address.
Updated Audit Report:
Block Audit Report: https://github.com/99DEFIP2P/defi99-audit-report/blob/main/99Defi.pdf
Website: https://99defi.network
Twitter: https://twitter.com/99defip2p
Telegram Chat:https://t.me/Defi99communitychat
Telegram Ann: https://t.me/Defi99announcements
Contract address: https://bscscan.com/address/0xfC50d8349131cACB76fC0CEaed6886a4df6eBEd2
Token Details :
Symbol: 99DEFI
Maximum Token supply: 100,000,000
Token Network: BEP20
Decimals: 8