[ANN]Okcash[OK] Leading Multichain Energy Friendly Opensource Electronic Cash


Aug 23, 2018
OK is multi chain and open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls OK and everyone can take part.
Okcash is a decentralized and established hybrid cryptocurrency that started on Nov 24th 2014.
OK was mined (PoW-Scrypt) and evolved to be stake-able (PoS-LTSS-Sha256).
Okcash is not a security, it never had an ICO, nor any kind of funding rounds.
OK is self sustainable and is fully supported by voluntaries (Just like Bitcoin).

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Okcash• OK
Latest Wallet:
*New (23/11/2022) - OK core - code name: "Space Monkey" version v7.0.0.0
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What are the Stake Rewards or Staking?
In easy Terms is the process where you keep your coins in your OK wallet and keep it open(online), your coins will start to "stake" (trying to solve blocks, like mining), meaning after some hours your wallet will start to mine for more coins according to the number of coins that you already have in your wallet, at different rates (% changes, like halvings ) and without the need for special equipment or high energy bills.

You only need to keep the OK wallet running and some Coins in it to start mining/earning more coins
These nodes help maintain a decentralized, secure and fast network, hence why they get the rewards for supporting the network/project.

Join the OK Community Discord.
Everyone is free and welcome to integrate/develop new applications with/for Okcash and profit from it, OK is Open Source!
OK [Logos, images and vectors] for Markets, Exchanges, Games and Services

OK Specifications
Symbol/Ticker: OK
Algorithm: SHA256
Released: Nov 24th 2014
PoW Ended at block: 33,186
Total coins at the end of Pow/Pos Hybrid Period: 36,297,000 OKCash
Max Cap: 105,000,000 OKCash
Full POS started: Dec 9th 2014
POS Min Stake Time: 8 hr
Transactions: 10 confirmations
Stakes: 69 confirmations
Block Time: 72 seconds average block time.
Rpcport: 6969
Port: 6970
Test ports: ( RPCport 7979 ) ( Port 7980 )
LTSS POS Block Rewards: 15 halvings
LTSS POS version: v3 hybrid

Also for the Internet of things
Okcash ROKOS OS for IoT (Internet of Things) devices (Full image): https://rokos.space
How to compile Okcash on Raspberry Pi, Pine64, etc. (Tutorial): https://okcashtalk.org/index.php/topic,2025.0.html

Okcash POS White Paper: okcash-whitepaper
Okcash LTSS White Paper: okcash-ltss-whitepaper

*POS - Proof of Stake.
*LTSS - Long Term Sustainable Staking.
*LTPoW - Long Term Proof of Work.

OK came up with a solution to empower the system and secure LTSS.
Bitcoin has LTPoW lasting till the year 2140. OK LTTS (staking) will be lasting till the year 2148.
Making Okcash the best PoS partner for Bitcoin and Micro Transactions.

Following the Original schedule of expected distribution proposed on the V1 LTSS WP, and based on the past performance of the OK Network / Users / Staking for the first 5 years of Okcash,
we have improved and refined the LTSS System by fixing the halving periods based on past performance and future expectation of the Staking Network Percentage in the system to match the original Proof of Stake expected growth.

Economics: As part of Okcash's coin issuance, miners/stakers are rewarded a certain amount of Okcash coins whenever a block is produced (approximately every 69 seconds).
When Okcash first started, 2000 OK coins per block were given as a reward to PoW miners. After the block number 33,186 PoW evolved to LTSS PoS and halvings have been ocurring at different time schedules taking in consideration 501,257 blocks per year, the block reward halves and will keep on halving until the block 27,589,135 (last halving approximately by year 2070).
As of now, the block reward evolved [Semi-static block reward + predictable network growth no matter net staking percentage, achieving Bitcoin predictability under Okcash unique LTSS PoS System.(The most energy friendly)] and is now under the LTSS PoSv3hybrid system at a rate of 3.9+ coins per block and will decrease to 2.3+ coins per block post halving.

For more halving info visit: https://okcashblockhalf.com

* 501,257 blocks per year average.

Last OK coins to be PoS mined expected around the year 2148.


Some of the OK history

Okcash is a new Cryptocurrency that got released in November 2014. Since the start, OK has shown a unique interest in the end user and tried to make the coin accessible and easy to use for the community. The launch was a success and a lot of miners participated in the pools that were mining the coin.

The mining PoW process lasted 15 days without halving to make it fair for every miner no matter when they started with the coin. After these 15 days of mining, Okcash became a full Proof of Stake coin, fulfilling its goal of hybrid initial distribution. It started a new era in the cryptocurrency environment, where coins continue to be created and distributed via Proof of Stake, which is a more long-term sustainable system and much more energy friendly than Proof of work.

Okcash started a new tendency in the cryptocurrency world, by injecting a positive vibe into its design and code. A lot of new coins started to get created following these ideas and see OK as an example.

Okcash have been traded since Nov 2014 and the community continues to grow in all aspects, on social networks, in markets, in use, and with its Open Source Decentralized group dedicated Devs, it's been building a solid decentralized infrastructure that's directly reflected in the coin's efficiency and speed, with presence in more than 42 countries. Okcash is one of a handful of coins that has not presented any issues with its blockchain, working perfectly since the day it was released.

The initial motivation behind Okcash was to create a really efficient and fast coin aiming to "improve things" or "make things better". After the success of getting added to the first exchanges, and with the community interaction and feedback, it was decided it was time for the coin to evolve and communicate the real philosophy behind its work. The community and environment itself were the driving forces behind this evolution, which is meant to provide end users "the community" with a cryptocurrency they can trust - with a name aimed for the mainstream - and with the following qualities: speed, efficiency and ease of use accompanied by a dedicated and personalized working design.

The "OK" name got selected to represent the brand as it reflects properly the coin's goals and attitude. OK is one of only 2 words in the whole world that requires no translation at all to be understood, giving it the potential for mainstream adoption without the problems of trying to integrate the new name to different cultures. "OK" is understood the whole world over.

OK reflects a positive outcome, speed, and empathy. Security and user experience are the first thoughts behind any update or code modification. The addition of the word "cash" was made to give it direct inclusion into the financial sector and to communicate the whole concept in a word: "Okcash".

Anybody who hears this word gets an overall concept or general idea of what it is about. OK is the technology while Okcash is the first application of this technology, being the coins we can send or put in our wallets for saving, spending or sharing.

Okcash has been referred to as "The future for Social Payments" and it has one of the strongest social presences in the cryptocurrency environment. You can actually send Okcash anywhere in the world by the easy use of the Discord and/or Twitter Tip bots. This makes it possible to send OK to anyone in the world, even if they have not yet installed and downloaded the Okcash wallet.

Okcash is also one of the few currencies that do not fight BTC. On the contrary, OK complements and supports Bitcoin and aims to create events around the world to teach people about cryptocurrencies such as BTC and OK: how they can get the advantages and how they differ from traditional fiat systems.

OK complements BTC, with its speed and Proof of Stake system OK works as a currency but also as an earning system. If you keep your wallet open, you gain a % of the coins you hold in your wallet as interest. This system incentivizes the network growth and security as well and is one of the key aspects of OK as it doesn't require special equipment. It is a more energy-friendly way to sustain the whole network, reducing the carbon footprint considerably against Proof of Work technology.

Since the start, Okcash has provided constant updates, a dedicated site for them and has delivered in time and form.

OK is the first cryptocurrency to hold cross-promotions between different cryptocurrency communities and everyone can visit and download the "ROKOS" project as well, a Raspberry Pi OS with full Bitcoin Graphical Client and node ready to plug and play, OK client/node ready for use, distributed for free by the Okcash Developers to support Crypto adoption and the integration of cryptocurrencies with the Internet of Things technology (IoT). Download ROKOS

The OK community continues to create giveaways for more crypto communities and constant contests with the addition of faucets and resources to give more users the chance to have fun and get to know, test and use Okcash (OK).



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