Suggest Bác nào distupe STP rồi vào cho em hỏi nhé

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Aug 19, 2013
Bình thường các bác dis thì nếu thành công sau bao lâu mới nhận lại được tiền ạ ?

Hôm nọ em gửi mail distupe xong STP nó gửi mail này lại nghĩa là sao ạ ?

You have contacted the SolidTrust Pay Investigations Department.

Please read the following as it may address your concerns:

1. If you are reporting that a website has gone offline, we will take note and look further into this as the site may be down for maintenance. If the site does not come back, we will suspend the account and put a hold on any remaining funds. Note that we have no control over any website that goes down and/or chooses to stop using our services.

2. If you are reporting a complaint against an online program that you have chosen to participate in or join, review their terms and contact the merchant for any complaint resolution. Also review SolidTrust Pay user agreement and note point 5: “Buyer Beware”. We do not guarantee refunds for programs that close or discontinue the use of SolidTrust Pay. You enter these programs at your own risk.

3. If a website or program that you are inquiring about does come under investigation by us, we will take appropriate action. We ask that you not contact us regarding fraud or scam accounts - we are already aware. If there are funds in the merchant's account, refunds may be available, but are not guaranteed. The refunding process can take up to 6 months from the time the account becomes suspended and we ask for your patience as this is a lengthy process to complete. IF there are any remaining funds in the merchant's account, members receive a partial refund equal to a percentage of any loss. If refunds are able to be completed you are notified via email, and any funds are automatically put back into your SolidTrust Pay account.

NOTE - if your question or concern regards any of the above, you will not receive a response further to this one. The website that you mention will be noted and looked into.

If your email does NOT concern any of the above, you will receive a personal response within 1-3 business days.

Kind Regards
SolidTrust Pay
Investigations Department
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