Equalizer.Finance Announces the Start of Liquidity Mining Program


Mar 2, 2020

Equalizer Finance

Equalizer.Finance Announces the Start of Liquidity Mining Program

Today, we are pleased to announce the new Liquidity Mining program for EQZ/ETH liquidity providers on Uniswap and EQZ/BNB liquidity providers on Pancakeswap. Liquidity Mining is the process of earning passive income by staking your LP tokens in a secure smart contract, for a given period of time.

The goal of the program is to reward the liquidity providers with a big incentive as they keep on signaling their confidence in the Equalizer development. The participants of this first edition who believe in our vision and contribute to making Equalizer successful will be rewarded with the most generous harvest. This first edition is a special one as it offers one of the biggest APY (Annual Percentage Yield) in the Decentralized Finance market.

The Liquidity Mining program will start on 22nd April 2021, at 9:00 a.m. UTC. From this day on, the staking pools will continue to be open for one week on a limited size basis. Make sure to get your spot as early as possible!

Liquidity providers can mine liquidity on both chains (Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain) for a period of 120 days.

The details of both pools are presented below


Start Time: 22nd April 2021, 9:00 a.m. UTC
Days Open for Stake: 7
Days of Mandatory Lock: 60
Early Reward Return (APY %): 10%
Days Until Maturity: 120
Maturity Return (APY %): 105%

In the first edition, liquidity mining will be available for both UNI_LP and CAKE_LP tokens.

How to get EQZ/ETH UNI V2 LP tokens in two steps?
1. Buy $EQZ from Uniswap, using part of your $ETH, from here.
2. Add EQZ and ETH liquidity to Uniswap, here.
Done, now you have in your wallet the EQZ/ETH UNI V2 LP token that you can stake in the Liquidity Mining program.
You will earn two times:
- you will get part of the 0.3% fees from each trading that is being made on Uniswap on the EQZ/ETH pair, paid by Uniwap in EQZ and ETH
- you will get EQZ tokens from the Liquidity Mining Program, up to 105% depending on how long you stake your EQZ/ETH UNI V2 LP tokens

How to get EQZ/BNB CAKE LP tokens in two steps?
1. Buy $EQZ from Pancakeswap, using part of your $BNB, from here.
2. Add EQZ and BNB liquidity to Pankaceswap, here.
Done, now you have in your wallet the EQZ/BNB CAKE LP token that you can stake in the Liquidity Mining program.
You will earn two times:
- you will get part of the 0.2% fees from each trading that is being made on Pancakeswap on the EQZ/BNB pair, paid by Pancakeswap in EQZ and BNB
- you will get EQZ tokens from the Liquidity Mining Program, up to 105% depending on how long you stake your EQZ/BNB CAKE LP tokens

Additional Details
The Equalizer Liquidity Mining program offers constant time-based returns based on staking time. In other words, the longer you stake, the higher the rewards. Here are a few benefits:

It is pool-based. Meaning it is a group activity with multiple contributors for each staking contract.
It is flexible. Meaning you have the option to withdraw early, stake until full maturity, or withdraw somewhere in between. Don’t forget! The longer you stake, the higher the return.
It is strategic. Meaning if you stake until full maturity, and others in your pool withdraw early, you will receive a portion of their rewards.

Just connect your wallet to the contract, stake your LP tokens until you wish to withdraw, and then withdraw to have your principal and rewards sent back to your wallet. Easy!

Summary of the Liquidity Mining Program
Use Metamask Wallet — it will automatically link to our staking contracts. This is the wallet you will contribute from and where rewards will be distributed upon withdrawal.

Once the staking pools are opened, you will be given a limited amount of time to contribute. After the time expires OR the contract is full, contributions will close forever. A progress bar will show how much the contract has been filled at any given time.

Stake until full maturity to receive maximum rewards. Maturity will have a date and time assigned at which time full rewards will be available for withdrawal, so you will know exactly when you can withdraw to receive the maximum rewards.

In addition, if you stake until full maturity, you will likely receive additional rewards from those who withdrew early.

An early withdrawal option is available for flexibility. Early withdrawal will have a date and time assigned so you will know exactly when you can withdraw early.

Although rewards are lower for early withdrawal, they increase linearly every day — past the early withdrawal date right up until full maturity.

In other words, if you withdraw after the early withdrawal date and closer to full maturity, rewards will be higher, but still less than full maturity.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity and benefit from the Equalizer Liquidity Mining program here:

About Equalizer

Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a scalable infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing and that can boost the trading volume of any listed asset. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and multi-chain capabilities.

Website: https://equalizer.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash
Telegram: https://t.me/EqualizerFlash
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/equalizerann
Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.equalizer.finance/
Liquidity Mining: https://staking.equalizer.finance/


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