Legit Hitbits.io Reviews : SCAM or LEGIT ?


Oct 16, 2018
Hitbits | Fight different monsters, level up, purchase items make yourself stronger, hire mercenaries to increase your power and claim multiple rewards.

You can earn tokens from multiple sources, from easiest to most complicated is Faucet > Shortlinks > Raids > Offerwalls
Earning Options:
==>Multiple ways to earn;
Earn from faucet, offerwalls, challenges, achievements , raids , bonuses and much more!
Generate extra income and increase your Character damage with mercenaries, hire them for different time periods and generate extra tokens every hour and increase your damage vs Raids;

<<<Types of currencies>>>
There are 3 types of currencies on this site:
==>Credits (1000 Credits = USD$0.05 and can be withdrawn for BTC and DOGE). It can be used to purchased items on the market;
Credits can be obtain like this::
1.You can take part in raids; You will get an amount proportionate to the damage you do;
2.You can buy mercenaries; Each mercenary gives you 3 Credits per hour, but also uses up 2 Food per hour. Mercenaries can be purchased for 30, 60, 90 or 120 days);
3.You can change Tokens into Credits at the currency exchange.
==>Tokens (1 token can be exchanged for 5 Credits in the market, and can be used to purchased items on the market);
Tokens can be obtained by claiming the Faucet, Shortlinks, Offerwalls.
==>Gold (used to purchased certain items like health portions on the market).
Gold is dropped randomly when you attack the raid monster, and can also be obtained on the currency exchange.

<<<Leveling and free points>>>
On each level up you will get free 8 points so you can distribute them between your stats.
You can get extra points by using books of knowledge which you can purchase from the market or obtain as Raid drop.

<<<Energy and HP regeneration>>>
Every 2 minutes your character regenerates automatically 2 Energy points and 5 HP points, you can restore energy or HP by using potions.

<<<Joining Raids>>>
You can join and attack any raid which is in your level range
Your raid level range is [YOUR LEVEL] - 70 to [YOUR LEVEL] + 70.
You are able to join out of range raids, but not able to attack them.

Referral Program:
==>Get 25% from every ref Claim;
==>Get from 5% to 10 fFrom every Offerwall survey;
==>Get 5% chance to get item drop.

Payment Options:
==>Multiple Payment Options
Direct payments to your BTC or DOGE wallet and more coming soon!
Min withdraw amount 2000 Credits (1000 Credits = USD$0.05).

Please register here:

Non-Referral Link:
Thank you.
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HitBits Update | December 20, 2019
<<<Small Update & Bug Fixes>>>

==>Fixed shortlinks exploit;
==>Added shortlinks timers;
==>Now you can see your Bitcoin address after update;
==>Shortlinks redirect button after completion.
==>Added some colors on exchange tab, so it's more intuitive

Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you.
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Introducing the Challenges:
==>Complete 10 Short-links | Reward: 40 Tokens;
==>Complete 20 Short-links | Reward: 40 Tokens;
==>Complete 30 Short-links | Reward: 50 Tokens;
==>Complete 2 Offers with more than 5000 tokens | Reward: 1000 Tokens;
==>Complete 3 Offers with more than 5000 tokens | Reward: 2000 Tokens;
==>Complete 5 Offers with more than 5000 tokens | Reward: 3000 Tokens.

After everything is stable, they will add "Event Raid", i can't wait for those...until then i will make my character stronger...lol.

Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you.
HitBits Small Update:

==>Added ExpressCrypto Wallet as withdraw option;
==>New min withdraw is 25000 credits, once you input some value you can see live estimation about your payout;
==>JungleOfferwall added;
==>Reduced HP for all Raids;
==>Raids will accumulate more reward and faster;
==>New high lvl raids coming with starting base rewards.

Note: The payouts are processed manually by the admin and take between one and two weeks because the site is still under construction.

Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you.
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HitBits | Update January 08, 2020

<<<Skill Tree>>>
Finally it's here.
For now, there are 7 skills: Increase Damage, Chance to Double Attack, Double EXP chance, Increase Faucet Income, Increase Item Drop Chance, Increase Energy and Increase Offer Walls Reward.
More Skills Coming Soon!

==>You get 1 skill point every 15 levels. If you joined before the skill tree update you were credited with skill points proportional to your level;
==>Skills may have different level cost and level requirements;
==>Currently there is an skill point cap which you reach at level 1050 with 70 points, this might change in the future;
==>More Skills coming as the game gains new features or you can suggest an idea by opening a ticket;
==>Offer Walls skill wont affect Short-Links or Asiamag reward for now.

Note: You can reset your points/skills for 200 tokens for now then 500 as fixed value after that.

Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you.
HitBits | Update January 31, 2020

<<<The GUILDS>>>
==>Added Guilds. Player limit is 5, only Guild Masters can invite people using profile search feature. Players compete for weekly reward which is distributed evenly between all guild members.
==>Added player profile search under settings tab
You can set your avatar on your settings page
==>Chat reworked

Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you.
HitBits | Join the battle today and Earn Free Bitcoins!
I receive my payment in my wallet | February 16, 2020

Thank you.
HitBits | Update March 07, 2020
<<<PTC ads>>>
==>Now you can Create PTC Ads or earn tokens by visiting them;
==>Changed the expiration display on mercenaries page, now it's easier to understand;
==>On the bottom of raids list you can now filter to only display available raids for your level;
==>Increased the session duration, no more annoying relogins every 4 hours;
==>Security improvements.

Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you.


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