Hỏi về việc đổi tên trong Paypal


Jun 1, 2013
Tình hình là mắt em kèm nhèm,nhìn trong paypal của e cứ tưởng bị ngược tên (Nhưng thực tế là đúng và ko bị ngược) nên e đổi tên theo hướng dẫn trên mạng,e gửi ảnh CMND cho PP,nhưng PP nó gửi 1 mail có nội dung như sau:
You mentioned in your email that you want to change the name registered on your PayPal account. To complete this change, we need the following document from you:
• A copy of a valid photo ID that shows your new name. Acceptable forms of a photo ID are a driver's license, passport, or any other government issued photo ID.
Please note that we don’t accept credit card since it contains your private financial information.
Here's how you can submit your document to us:
1. Go to www.paypal.com and log in to your account.
2. Click Profile near the top of the page.
3. Click My personal info.
4. Click Change beside Name.
5. Select Personal Name Change (incorrect at signup or minor name change) and click Continue.
6. Select No and click Continue.
You can either upload or fax the document to us. We strongly recommend that you scan or take a picture of the document and upload it.
1. Click Upload Files.
2. Browse for the file you want to upload and click Upload File. The size of the file must be less than 400KB.
3. Click Send Files.
If you have any difficulties uploading the file, you can send the document to us by fax:
1. Click Continue to Fax Cover Sheet.
2. Enter your name, a brief description of your request, and how many pages you are faxing (include the cover sheet as a page).
3. Click Print Page.
4. Fax the documents to +65 6510 4590.
We will review the documents you submit and get back to you by email within 2 business days.
To help protect your information, we don't accept files that are sent as email attachments. If you email us attachments, we will still require you to upload or fax your documents.

PayPal Compliance Department
PayPal, an eBay Company

Copyright © 1999-2013 PayPal. All rights reserved.

Sau đó e vẫn thực hiện lệnh rút tiền về bank,nhưng đến 2 hôm mà vẫn Pending, ko biết có phải do vấn đề e đổi tên trong PP nên chậm ko nhỉ, thực tế thì hiện tại tên và tk ngân hàng là trùng khớp,ko biết nên giải quyết vụ này ntn các bác nhỉ?


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