Saint Gains: RESURRECTION- / 100% liquidity locked on DxLock / 50x yesterday / 10k mc right now! / poocoin ads LIVE
After a turbulent night, our Holy Saint Gains has fallen, but tonight He will rise again!
Lore: Saint gains is 1 of the 10 primary incarnations of a divine being who prophesied the crypto era. He descends 'i the form of an avatar to restore cosmic decree 'i the form of crypto. He is our savior who reveals himself every 4 years riding a bull into the bearish abyss. 'tis known that ere saint gains arrived, the skies were hellish red, till now.
Tokenomics: RFI + LiQ, Pancake V2.
3% of all trades are redistributed to holders 7% of all trades are auto-locked inside liquidity provider on PancakeSwap
Contract: Verified: 0x399e433effa96634813e2ff22b50a5d591f8998f Holders: Sub 50 Marketcap: SUB 10K USD
TG: https://t.me/StGainsResurrected
Website: https://www.saintgains.com/
V2: https://exchange.pancakeswap.financ...cy=0x399e433effa96634813e2ff22b50a5d591f8998f
PooChart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x399e433effa96634813e2ff22b50a5d591f8998f
Set slippage to 11%
50% INITIAL SUPPLY BURNED: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x354102c7b0803c1d41a3f23b33d00b62bafb553d0de0f02d7d0916865999488f
100% LP tokens BURNED: https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlock...FBb421b49c4B1f52689459d&type=lplock&chain=BSC
Ownership renounced: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x798fb8de8509fafd5c1cb0e46d44a865c682b2ba4c11ec3f2df67e440401ed1d
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