hi guys, I need soft for making money on CPI offers for iOS, with such functions
- targeting by geo
- targeting by device
- targeting by OS versions - iOS 10.0+ (targeting by iPhone and iPad), android 4.4+
- can we avoid of duplicated session IPs by installs
- can we pass (generate) device ID? (IDFA for iOS and GAID for Android)
- can we mix up installs with blank clicks to keep CR not higher 3%
Can we reach needed level of postinstall events rate:
- retention rate
- registration rate
- needed level of tutorial completion
- loyal users namely users who log in in app more then 3 times
- can we do specific actions in app like character creation or name character?
- can we manage amount of time spent in application?
Find soft autoporo.com - but its too cost, can you advice similiar soft to autoporo.com or that can do functions I wrote before, Thanks
- targeting by geo
- targeting by device
- targeting by OS versions - iOS 10.0+ (targeting by iPhone and iPad), android 4.4+
- can we avoid of duplicated session IPs by installs
- can we pass (generate) device ID? (IDFA for iOS and GAID for Android)
- can we mix up installs with blank clicks to keep CR not higher 3%
Can we reach needed level of postinstall events rate:
- retention rate
- registration rate
- needed level of tutorial completion
- loyal users namely users who log in in app more then 3 times
- can we do specific actions in app like character creation or name character?
- can we manage amount of time spent in application?
Find soft autoporo.com - but its too cost, can you advice similiar soft to autoporo.com or that can do functions I wrote before, Thanks