Stablecoin Ormeus Launches New ‘Gold Standard’ Reserve Vault

The stablecoin is backed by 40% of profits from ongoing production at a multi-million-dollar cryptocurrency mining operation in North America and China, which are now indelibly linked to the Ormeus Reserve Vault, (ORV).
And as the exclusive link to the Ormeus vault reveals, USD$7.34 Million is already secured across 25 designated multi-signature wallets.
In order to provide ultimate transparency, the company is allowing Ormeus users to view mining deposits and operational data in real-time available at the site.
With the new vault system, users can review an overall Ormeus mining performance table, or evaluate the individual results of how specific coins such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Litecoin are being rewarded.
“This is exactly what the cryptocurrency industry needs – a money system and store of value anchored to intrinsically valuable assets, the profits of which are transparent for all to see,” a company spokesperson said.
Ormeus Coin is built as an ERC-20 Compliant token on the Ethereum Blockchain, and the smart contracts are programmed to self-execute when conditions written in their source code are met. Once programmed, the terms of the contract cannot be changed thus making the contract immutable.
Ormeus recently announced a ground-breaking ‘loyalty airdrop’ which offers participants a chance to secure Ormeus Cash tokens when they stake Ormeus Coin in the official company wallet.
The following web address has been released by Ormeus as the official registration point for the airdrop:


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