xếp thứ 55 và dc 1 vé
PokerStars Tournament #873372955, Limit 7 Card Stud
Freeroll Super Satellite
4171 players
Target Tournament #873341808
64 tickets to the target tournament
Tournament started 2014/03/05 22:22:00 CCT [2014/03/05 9:22:00 ET]
Dear bklove789,
You finished the tournament in 55th place.
This qualifies you for a seat in Tournament #873341808. A ticket to this tournament was issued in your name. You can use this ticket to register. See Tournament #873341808 Lobby for further details.
PokerStars Tournament #873372955, Limit 7 Card Stud
Freeroll Super Satellite
4171 players
Target Tournament #873341808
64 tickets to the target tournament
Tournament started 2014/03/05 22:22:00 CCT [2014/03/05 9:22:00 ET]
Dear bklove789,
You finished the tournament in 55th place.
This qualifies you for a seat in Tournament #873341808. A ticket to this tournament was issued in your name. You can use this ticket to register. See Tournament #873341808 Lobby for further details.