best PPD over 1 year old Paid over 200000$

Hello guys.Fortunefiles is celebrating more than 2 years of existence and due to that we thought of giving some bonuses and prizes to you all.

So,if you can make at least 100$ due on every payment cycle ,you`ll receive either 20$ bonus on payment or an equivalent cash prize. For those that can make much more than that,like hundreds and thousands of $,we will give out ipads and iphones!Or cash bonuses according to their earnings!


Admin Fortunefiles

Hello to all.My name is Flo and i'm the owner of Fortunefiles.I'd like to clarify a few things since i noticed that many guys stopped working with us for some time.
From november 2014 to march 2015 we had a problem with our website,more exactly with the forum.The site was sending malicious code to other websites,through the forum which had viruses.So it took us a few months to fix this problem only,by disabling the forum and rewriting some internal code.Due to this tragic event,although we mass emailed everyone,many stopped sending traffic our way.
Also,the most important thing,last year in december,my paypal account got hacked.I fell into a trap,while checking my inbox.An email showed up as sent from Paypal,but it was a scam/spoof email.So,due to this,the hacker(s) changed the answers to my secret questions and the password.I got no access to my old paypal which mean i need to create another one.
The most tragic thing is that the hacker opened disputes to many payments sent to you via paypal.
We had problem with payments and delays from march 2015 to july 2015 since a lot of traffic was marked as bad from advertisers.Imagine one thing:if you send traffic of 1000$ and expect 1000$ but the advertisers pay me just 500$ out of your traffic,what can i do?I'm not rich to give you another 500$.If i was rich,i would pay everyone even daily.I do the best i can to reduce bad traffic and your loss,but you have to help me too with click/lead ratio with decent traffic etc.

Ask yourselves a few questions.Fortunefiles paid 290000$ to people from vietnam,phillipnes,india,indonesia and so on.Most of it went to Vietnam.why would i as the owner of fortunefiles want your hard earned money?I never wanted something that doesnt belong to me.As owner of fortunefiles,i even lost 30000$ i paid for traffic that was fraud in the end.If only you knew how many times i covered the fee for your wires and for your paypal payments and for your western union payments.I was very dedicated.I even fought with the advertisers for your earnings when many revokes/reversals showed up.All i need is your support and want to get you paid every week.Many people want to see Fortunefiles dead and buried and so they did everything they can to weaken us.

If possible,i'd like as many as possible from you to testify that they got paid and how many times.We have records of over 2000 payments sent from 2013 till now.

Fortunefiles is getting back.We sent 6 payments yesterday and with your support we will get back to weekly payments!

With your help and support,we will be strong again!

Best regards,
Admin Fortunefiles
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