

Nov 30, 2022

LetsExchange (https://letsexchange.io) is a go-to crypto exchange hub, with 5,000+ cryptocurrencies, cross-chain swaps, bridge, 60+ fiat currencies, on- & off-ramp, DEX, and secure exchanges. With deep liquidity and lucrative affiliate programs, LetsExchange ensures a convenient and profitable crypto experience for users worldwide. We offer:

For users:
  • Crypto-to-crypto, crypto-to-fiat, and fiat-to-crypto swaps
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Cross-chain swaps for coins that are supported by different blockchains
  • Bridge
  • A Telegram bot to swap crypto
  • DEX
  • Deep liquidity
For partners:
  • Crypto exchange API
  • Customizable exchange widget & button
  • Branded Telegram bot
  • White-label exchange solutions
  • Referral links
  • Other benefits that can be discussed with each partner individually to provide maximal benefits

Swap your crypto within a couple of clicks: https://letsexchange.io/

And don’t forget to join our community on:

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LetsExchange Is 2 Years Old! Celebrate with Us and Win 500 USDT!
LetsExchange is going to celebrate its 2nd birthday! The best celebration is to reward our loyal users. And the best reward is the money, of course!

What about winning 500 USDT?

Make any swap in any crypto pair, any sum, on LetsExchange.io from March 1 to 17th.

Request the Receipt – there, you will have all the data about your transaction. You won’t be able to participate without the receipt, so requesting it and keeping it until the winner is announced is a must!

Wait till we announce the lucky winner!

How Will the Winner Be Selected?

All swaps are anonymous, so we will be using a randomizer to pick a transaction ID. Yep, we will just enter in the randomizer the IDs of all transactions made on our platform from 1st to 17th March, and the tool picks the luckiest one. How will you know whether your ID won? That’s why you need to keep the receipt of all your swaps made during this period. There, all the data of each transaction is displayed, including the transaction ID.

Can More Than One Swap Participate?

Yes, absolutely. We don’t collect users’ personal data; thus, only transaction IDs will participate. The more swaps you make, the higher your chances of winning!

Hurry Up! the Time Is Limited!

Don’t waste your time. Make as many swaps as possible, keep all the transaction receipts, and cross your fingers in the hope of winning!


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Anywhere money is used, nano can do better, – interview with the Nano team

A 100% sustainable cryptocurrency, Nano, is here with some insights on the project – read more in a special interview with LetsExchange

How does your project stand out from competition? Does it have any unique features? What value does it deliver?

Nano has several unique features that not only make it stand out in the cryptocurrency space, but also fit perfectly as a currency. Nano is built to be the most efficient currency in the world, fixing issues prevalent in both cryptocurrency and fiat currencies. This means as little waste as possible. Instead of adding more, nano goes for simplicity. Do one thing, and do it well. For nano, that is being a currency.

  • No time wasted – nano is the fastest currency in the world, with transactions confirmed in less than a second on average.
  • Nano stands out because it has no transaction fees. Send nano anywhere in the world, fee-free! 1 nano sent is 1 nano received.
  • Due to nano’s Open Representative Voting consensus mechanism, nano doesn’t rely on mining to reach a consensus and prevent double-spending. This makes nano highly energy efficient, and often mentioned as the most sustainable and energy-efficient cryptocurrency.

How can your solutions be applied to use real-world problems? What use cases does your product have?

Anywhere money is used, nano can do better. With the unique features of nano, allowing fee-free and instant transactions worldwide, nano can be used very well for many different use cases. One that immediately comes to mind is remittances. Remittances is a billion dollar industry and many traditional remittance systems have high fees and can take days to settle. Nano has the potential to be a real game changer in this industry, by being able to send money abroad in less than a second without any fee.

Another one is microtransactions/micropayments. Nano can be divided into very small bits as it has 30 decimals. Because nano is fee-free, the smallest transactions are possible allowing micropayments or micro rewards. For instance, a company called FynCom uses nano to reward people for each word they translate on CrowdIn. They also use nano to punish robocalls and spam, and to incentivise customer engagement. There is also a lot of potential for microtransactions with nano in the gaming industry.

The easy accessibility of nano also makes it possible for those that do not have access to banking infrastructure to interact with the global economy. The traditional banking system excludes many by having a high barrier to entry. In fact, 1.4 billion people in the world do not have access to banking infrastructure, either because they don’t have sufficient money to open a bank account or because they don’t have the necessary documentation. With nano, all that one needs is a phone and an internet connection!

Do you believe there are any real competitors to your project? How do you differ from them? What are your unique benefits?

We don't see currencies or companies as competitors per se, there are just many options out there and depending on what you want to achieve, one option might be better than the other. However, the goal of nano is to solve many of the issues of currencies, be it crypto or fiat currency. In the end, nano is an option for people to choose.

If people want to transact fee-free, globally, in less than a second, on a decentralized network using a currency that has a fixed supply and is highly efficient, then they have that option with nano. It's a great option for sending, receiving and storing value that is super easy to use. Especially in places where the local currency is losing value due to money printing, nano can be a great alternative because no one can increase the money supply.

Especially for those wanting to own their money and have self custody over it, nano is a great option since installing a non-custodial wallet and withdrawing your nano to it takes a matter of minutes! This is important in this time where trust in institutions such as banks is dwindling in many regions of the world. There is now an easy alternative to have control over your own money, digitally.

How do you see your project geographically? Where do you believe your main audience is located?

We focus on emerging economies with a high and increasing rate of mobile penetration but where banking infrastructure is difficult, sometimes even impossible, to access for people. Also where the risk of hyperinflation devaluing people’s savings and other issues are high. One such region is Nigeria. We have a very active community there, with people building apps, websites and businesses with nano and even accepting nano for food and drinks. But also Brazil, India, Uganda are countries where we’re seeing more and more adoption of nano and growing communities. It’s because people there see the potential for nano in their country and what nano can do to help people. An alternative to the status quo. Something that can be spent and accepted in the real world as well as the digital world.

Did you face any difficulties when working on the project? What were they?

Creating something new comes with many difficulties and challenges. Especially pioneering something that has never been done before. Creating a currency, spreading awareness of it, getting it in the hands of people and encouraging the use of it is all difficult to do while continuously trying to adapt to a changing regulatory landscape worldwide. Doing all that as a non-profit organization, with a small team and a limited budget, makes it all the more difficult. But we don’t step away from a challenge and we believe that, together with the amazingly talented and powerful nano community, we can push that adoption step by step over time. It’s amazing how much people are willing to do once they know and understand the potential of nano.

Additionally, the cryptocurrency space doesn’t always have the best public reputation especially when it comes to energy consumption and the speculation in the space. We try to distance ourselves a bit from that and show that nano is highly efficient and sustainable with little energy consumption, and that we want nano to be a currency that people use, a currency to be spent and accepted globally, and that even though the price of nano fluctuates depending on demand, being a speculative asset is not its purpose.

How did the project survive the crypto winter? Did it impact the project’s development?

We continue to build and develop, making the nano protocol as secure and efficient as possible. We keep growing awareness of nano around the globe and growing communities in regions where nano is most needed. For a large part, this crypto winter is more a winter for those that speculate on the price of cryptocurrency. We see it as a time to focus on development and where utility, which we focus on with nano, can thrive. Additionally, the nano community stays active, spreading more awareness around the globe and growing the nano ecosystem by building awesome new projects and businesses using nano.

A question to founders: was there anything that has inspired you to create this specific project?

The idea of a global currency without middlemen, which supply isn’t dependent on the decisions of one entity such as a government or company and is censorship resistant, is such an interesting and powerful idea. However, before nano existed, implementations that tried to achieve this had several problems. One of which is that there would be people trying to make profit from a network like this by asking for fees and block rewards, the high energy consumption, the centralisation over time and more. It was clear that the way cryptocurrencies were built was not sustainable long term and had certain participants profiting off of the network itself. New architecture was needed. And that’s how nano, formerly known as raiblocks, came into existence. A network without direct monetary rewards that lead to centralisation, without wasting energy, and without high barriers of entry or use. A currency that is just that, a currency. As efficient as possible. Do one thing and do it well.

Are there any funny stories that you can share with us? Something in the project development that makes readers remember you?

Instead of having an ICO, nano was initially given away for free through CAPTCHA faucets, those that ask you to click the images of traffic lights or cross walks, etc. Each time a captcha was solved, users would receive some nano. This meant that users anywhere in the world, regardless of their wealth, could get some nano. Because of this, nano was able to spread to many people in emerging economies. Some even earned more through the nano CAPTCHA faucets than they did with their day job. At some point, the amount of Google CAPTCHA’s being solved through the nano faucet was so high that Google even reached out to founder Colin LeMahieu saying they were taking up more than 11% of Google’s global Captcha traffic!
Better Spreads for Crypto Swaps on LetsExchange
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LetsExchange.io, a leading instant exchange platform for crypto-to-crypto and fiat-to-crypto swaps, has optimized its workflow with its liquidity providers. This improvement directly impacts the rates on the platform. Сustomers and partners using LetsExchange’s crypto processing can now benefit from better spreads. On average, the spreads on LetsExchange have reduced by 1%.

“We are committed to making cryptocurrency exchanges available to anyone, anywhere in the world. This improvement will allow more people worldwide to enjoy the benefits of cryptocurrencies. LetsExchange is continuously developing its service to offer our users and partners’ customers the most convenient trading conditions,” Alex J., LetsExchange’s CPO, stated.

This improvement and SmartRate technology make transactions on the LetsExchange platform even more beneficial. And we encourage users to take advantage of this opportunity. When a user fills in the data for a swap, our proprietary SmartRate technology picks the best rate among multiple liquidity providers. Thus users can count on the most profitable exchanges. Note the rates on different platforms differ very little. That's why this benefit becomes especially prominent when big sums are swapped.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 2,300 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps. The platform also offers high-quality B2B solutions for its partners and clients by enabling them to benefit from API, white-label crypto exchange software, referral links, and custom widget and button functionalities.
LetsExchange Broadens Cooperation with Nano (XNO)
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LetsExchange.io, a leading instant exchange platform supporting over 2,300 cryptocurrencies, and Nano (XNO), an eco-friendly cryptocurrency promoting energy efficiency and sustainable development, have agreed to broaden their cooperation.

LetsExchange has become one of Nano’s Merchant Solutions providers with its white label and exchange widget tools. To mark the deepening partnership, LetsExchange is organizing a special promotion for Nano on Earth Day (April 22). From April 17 to April 30, anyone can exchange Nano (XNO) on LetsExchange.io using a special promotional code (NanoForNature) and get cashback.

“At LetsExchange, we aim to make cryptocurrency swaps available to anyone, anywhere in the world. We support the socially responsible position of Nano to benefit unbanked people in emerging economies by providing fee-free and instantaneous crypto transactions. We believe such an approach will foster the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, resulting in benefits for crypto users and companies,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, stated.

About LetsExchange​

LetsExchange.io is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps that supports the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market. The service supports 2,300+ cryptocurrencies and 5.2+ mln trading pairs. The company constantly incorporates innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API for developers, exchange widgets and buttons, white-label solutions, etc.

About Nano (XNO)​

Nano (XNO) is a 100% sustainable cryptocurrency that facilitates secure and instant payments without fees. Often billed as “digital money for the modern world,” Nano addresses some of the most critical problems of legacy financial infrastructure and most modern cryptocurrencies. Using the Open Representative Voting (ORV) consensus mechanism, Nano is extremely energy efficient, positioning itself as the most environmentally friendly cryptocurrency in the market. Recently, the Nano team provided some insight into its project in an interview published on the LetsExchange’s website.
Evercode Lab Becomes LetsExchange System Integrator

Evercode Lab, a top developer of high-performing custom software solutions for companies and organizations, has become LetsExchange’s system integrator. Any company wishing to integrate one of LetsExchange’s B2B solutions can now request Evercode Lab's assistance to complete the project successfully.

LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, has created a number of B2B solutions to enable cryptocurrency processing and exchange functionality on external services, apps, products, and for businesses. These solutions include API for developers, exchange widgets and buttons, and white-label products.

“During the integration of our B2B solutions, LetsExchange technical staff accompanies our partner’s team in all the project stages. However, partners who cannot undertake the integration project can now hand it over to Evercode Lab. This software-development company possesses the expertise to integrate LetsExchange B2B solutions most efficiently and with the industry's highest quality standards. We are very pleased to have established cooperation with a company with vast experience in enterprise-grade blockchain fintech solutions. We are positive that the number of integrations of our products will significantly increase,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained.

Evercode Lab is a leading software development company offering a wide array of products for companies in various sectors like Telehealthcare, eCommerce, eLearning, and Blockchain Fintech. One of this company’s flagship products is the Everchain White Label Wallet, a software tool for building non-custodial cryptocurrency wallets. Using this tool, the Evercode Lab team developed Atomic Wallet, a multi-cryptocurrency wallet capable of performing cross-blockchain swaps without intermediaries.

LetsExchange is an instant exchange supporting the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market. It currently lists 2,300+ digital coins and tokens, resulting in over 5.6 million trading pairs. The company constantly incorporates innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through these solutions.
Boosty Labs to Serve as System Integrator for LetsExchange’s Solutions

Boosty Labs, a world-class fintech, blockchain, and cloud engineering software-development company, has become a system integrator for LetsExchange’s solutions. Crypto-related businesses and companies wishing to integrate these B2B tools can now outsource the technical task to Boosty Labs, with the assurance that the project will be completed with promptitude and utmost quality.

LetsExchange’s B2B solutions comprise API for crypto wallets, exchanges, exchange aggregators, crypto portfolio apps, and other crypto-related businesses, exchange widgets and buttons, and white-label products. These tools have been designed to add or extend cryptocurrency processing and exchange functionality on external services providing access to 2400 coins and tokens. Crypto-related companies wishing to partner up with LetsExchange can choose to integrate solutions most suitable for their business goals.

Regarding the cooperation with Boosty Labs, Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained: “Partners wishing to benefit from our tools can count on the LetsExchange team for technical support during the entire integration process. Partners who prefer not to deal with the technicalities can outsource the project to Boosty Labs. This company has ample experience designing and developing enterprise-grade solutions for cloud computing, fintech, and blockchain. They have a team with the expertise to timely integrate LetsExchange B2B solutions in the best possible way. We are certain that our partners’ integration projects could not be in better hands.”

Viktor Ihnatiuk, the founder and CEO of Boosty Labs, says:

"Our partnership with LetsExchange marks an exciting step forward in our mission to provide world-class software development solutions to the fintech and blockchain industries. Through our collaboration, LetsExchange's B2B users will be empowered to achieve a deeper integration of cryptocurrency services, resulting in significant reductions in operational costs and, in turn, increasing their overall business potential."

Boosty Labs is one of the largest companies in the world specializing in blockchain technology development outsourcing, systems integration, automation of technical and business processes for companies, and IT consulting. With over 150 employees worldwide, Boosty Labs has already implemented over 200 projects for top players in the crypto industry, including Ledger, Consensys, Celsius Network, Storj Labs, Bloom Protocol, NEM, Elixir, and NEAR Protocol.

LetsExchange.io is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 2,400+ cryptocurrencies and 5.7+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
LetsExchange to Cooperate with the Frog Token

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LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, and the Frog Token, a crypto asset part of the Frog Ecosystem, have started cooperating.

LetsExchange has listed the Frog Token (FROG CEO) for trading on its decentralized exchange (DEX) environment. For its part, the Frog Ecosystem installed the LetsExchange widget on its website to facilitate its users' purchase and trade of this token.

LetsExchange aims to offer its customers the best crypto coins and tokens, whether for payments, investments, trading, or other use cases. Frog Token is an emerging crypto asset developed in an ecosystem with a well-thought roadmap and has excellent potential to become part of the future web3 ecosystem. Additionally, Frog Token opens investment opportunities for those who can tolerate the associated risk.

“We are delighted to have established cooperation with the Frog Token team,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, stated.

The Frog Ecosystem is a crypto environment comprising a decentralized meme token and a game. The ecosystem’s roadmap indicates that decentralized apps, a wallet, and a crypto exchange are under development and will soon be part of this ecosystem. Frog Ceo is a producer and community-oriented token that will increase its value as more projects are completed in the Frog Ecosystem.

LetsExchange.io is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 2,400+ cryptocurrencies and 5.7+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API for developers, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
LetsExchange and Bitcoin.com will strengthen each other's DEX solutions

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LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, and Bitcoin.com’s decentralized exchange Verse DEX began cooperating.

LetsExchange listed VERSE, Bitcoin.com’s ecosystem token. Now, LetsExchange’s users have access to VERSE most conveniently. Further plans for the development of cooperation include integrating Verse DEX into LetsExchange’s DEX widget as another liquidity provider.

“As one of the top instant exchanges in the market, we constantly improve our services and expand our offers for our users. The cooperation with Verse DEX will make available one of the most promising tokens in the market to investors and traders who regularly use our service. In the long run, this cooperation will enhance our DEX functionality, bringing benefits in the form of more liquidity to our customers who prefer swapping coins without intermediaries,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, stated.

Verse DEX is the AMM-based decentralized exchange component of Bitcoin.com’s ecosystem. Bitcoin.com provides products, services, and information that empowers people to purchase, sell, store, and use cryptocurrencies. At the heart of the ecosystem is the self-custodial Bitcoin.com Wallet app, a mobile-first platform for buying, selling, trading, holding, and managing cryptocurrencies across five chains.

LetsExchange.io is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 2,400+ cryptocurrencies and 5.7+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
CryptoCloud Has Integrated LetsExchange’s API into Its Service


CryptoCloud, a service provider enabling online merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments, and LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, have agreed to cooperate.

CryptoCloud has integrated LetsExchange’s API into its service, expanding the number of cryptocurrencies available to its customers. Online merchants using CryptoCloud’s solution can now accept many more digital coins and tokens as payment for goods and services. This API is one of the B2B solutions that LetsExchange has designed to add or extend cryptocurrency processing and exchange functionality on external services, apps, and products.

“We are committed to making crypto swaps readily available to anyone, anywhere in the world. Integrating our API into the CryptoCloud platform is a huge step toward popularizing cryptocurrencies and easing their use in real-life situations. We believe CryptoCloud is doing a great job toward the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. We are excited to contribute to this effort,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, stated.

CryptoCloud offers a reliable way to accept payments in the most popular cryptocurrencies easily. It allows for simple and rapid integration into any website, providing a checkout page with a high conversion rate. This service enables businesses to increase website conversion and sales by accepting payments from all over the world, despite all sorts of payment system restrictions.

LetsExchange.io is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 2,400+ cryptocurrencies and 5.7+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
There is no other project that is equally versatile, – Interview with the Alpaca.finance team

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Alpaca is working on the creation of the largest platform that allows leveraged yield farming on the BNB chain and Fantom. Safe and stable yields, undercollateralized loans, and other benefits are available for both lenders and borrowers to allow them to grow their farming principals and get profit.

Such a promising project has its token, which can be swapped for 2,500 other cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange.io. Here, the Alpaca team shares some insights on their project with the LetsExchange community.

LetsExchange: What are the main use cases of the Alpaca project? Does it solve any real-world problems and if yes, which ones?

Alpaca.finance team: Lending, Leveraged Yield Farming (providing liquidity to DEXes with Leverage), Perpetual Futures trading with up to 50x Leverage for Trading, Hedging, carry trading. All this allows people to compound their savings by building diversified portfolios with different risk levels and gaining full control to achieve directional or neutral market Exposure. Combine it with 21 one audits and you get a super safe environment for their savings.

LetsExchange: Can you define your main Alpaca’s competitors? What are they?

Alpaca.finance team: We are competing with different projects in different sectors. GMX for perps, Venus for Lending, There is no notable competition in Leverage Yield Farming or Automated Vaults.

LetsExchange: Are there any famous people, influencers, media figures who support the Alpaca project? Can you mention some of them?

Alpaca.finance team: Our Audience are rather people who prefer to preserve their anonymity. Whales don't like publicity.

LetsExchange: Do you have any specific target audience? What are the main countries your users come from?

Alpaca.finance team: We are a global decentralized project. Asia, US, Europe, Africa

LetsExchange: Are there any projects that can serve as an example for your team? Any specific benchmarks?

Alpaca.finance team: Frankly, there is no other project that is equally versatile. As mentioned before, we are competing with different projects in different verticals.

LetsExchange: Did you face any difficulties when implementing the project? What were they?

Alpaca.finance team: Technological advancements. Bridging Web2 and Web3 solutions.

LetsExchange: How did the project survive the crypto winter? Did it have a significant impact on the project development?

Alpaca.finance team: We remain strong, still in the green with revenues. If you analyse our TVL relative to the market prices we've managed to preserve the TVL and even grow.

LetsExchange: Was there anything that inspired the founders to launch this specific project?

Alpaca.finance team: Lack of Capital efficient and safe projects to invest into.

LetsExchange: Do you have any funny stories to share with us? Something that makes our users remember you?

Alpaca.finance team: If you want to laugh, check our Alpies (Dauntless and Dreamers) NFT collections!

Does your project have any unique features, something that makes it especially valuable for users?

Alpaca.finance team: Top 3 project on BNB chain, top 20 DeFi dApps in the space. 21 security audits, Leverage Yield Farming with AI-driven, automated Vaults, Perpetual Futures Exchange on BNB chain. All products produce real yield which is used to buyback the token from the market and share the revenue with Governance Vault stakers.
LetsExchange to Cooperate with the Bitriel Wallet
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LetsExchange.io, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, has partnered with the Bitriel Wallet, a progressive web app (PWA) compatible with Android and iOS platforms. The Bitriel Wallet has integrated the LetsExchange’s API, adding full crypto exchange functionality to the wallet. Additionally, Bitriel has installed the LetsExchange widget on its website, allowing visitors to swap thousands of cryptocurrencies without being redirected to an external service.

“Our main goal is to make crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. For this purpose, we have created several B2B solutions for smooth crypto processing, such as our API for developers. This solution is best for crypto wallets, exchanges, exchange aggregators, crypto portfolio apps, dApps, and similar crypto-related businesses. Integrating the API is as easy as possible, and our technical staff accompanies partners during all the stages of the integration,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained.

The Bitriel Wallet is a cross-chain digital wallet supporting multi-assets, crypto assets, and NFTs. It features decentralized exchange (DEX), derivatives trading, investment and trading, launchpad, and other functionalities in addition to safe storage of cryptocurrencies. It also allows fiat/crypto onramp and offramp for several trading pairs.

LetsExchange is an instant exchange supporting the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market. It currently lists 2,400+ cryptocurrencies, resulting in over 5.7 million trading pairs. The company constantly incorporates innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API for developers, exchange widgets and buttons, and white-label solutions.

LetsExchange to Cooperate with Houdini Swap​


Houdini Swap, an exchange for anonymous crypto transactions, has integrated LetsExchange’s API into its platform. This way, the service expands its list of available crypto assets. LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supports over 2,500 cryptocurrencies, the largest number on any similar solution.

“We offer several B2B solutions for crypto-related businesses and companies to easily add or expand crypto swap functionality powered by our platform. This way, we foster a wider usage of cryptocurrencies, paving the road for their mass adoption. We believe that, just as with regular bank account holders, crypto users are entitled to keep the information about their wallets’ balances and transactions private. Houdini Swap is doing a great job by providing truly anonymous crypto transactions. We are delighted to contribute to that effort,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, added.

Houdini Swap is a privacy tool that allows anonymizing crypto transactions using the Monero blockchain. Users can send, swap, or bridge tokens on this platform without revealing their private wallets. The Houdini Swap API allows partner organizations to natively integrate its backend anonymous and non-anonymous swap functionality into their existing front end.

LetsExchange.io supports 2,500+ cryptocurrencies and 6.3+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API for developers, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
VelvetFormula to Provide Liquidity for Cryptocurrencies Issued by LetsExchange’s Partners


VelvetFormula, a prominent crypto market maker (CMM), will provide liquidity for coins and tokens issued by LetsExchange’s partners and bring new cryptocurrencies for LetsExchange to list. This way, crypto issuers, and their communities will have a convenient way for exchanging their respective coins immediately for a vast number of other crypto assets (2,200+ coins and tokens at the time of writing).

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “LetsExchange offers the ultimate suite of solutions for coin teams. Our cutting-edge services include an exchange widget that seamlessly integrates into any website and a Telegram bot that enables direct cryptocurrency exchanges within the app. By partnering with VelvetFormula, LetsExchange empowers coin teams to effortlessly promote their assets in the market, accelerating their visibility and growth.

With the comprehensive support of LetsExchange and VelverFormula, coin teams can now effortlessly make their coins and tokens available for swapping to a vast range of over 2,200 other crypto assets, ensuring enhanced liquidity and expanding their trading possibilities.”

VelvetFormula is a fast-growing startup founded in 2020. Since then, VelvetFormula has been recognized as one of the top software providers for bringing liquidity to digital assets exchange. The company focuses on providing software for low-latency trading solutions that solve liquidity problems most efficiently, aiming to achieve sound and continuous crypto markets for all types of investors. Top crypto exchanges worldwide trust VelvetFormula.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 2,200+ cryptocurrencies and 4.8+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
LetsExchange and CryptoSorted Join Forces: Enhancing Community-Owned Crypto Media with the Exchange Widget

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LetsExchange, an instant exchange leading platform worldwide, has listed the CryptoSorted Token (SCT) for trading on its widget. LetsExchange customers can now swap this digital asset most conveniently, with all the benefits that characterize the LetsExchange service.

Moreover, CryptoSorted, a community-owned crypto media project, installed the LetsExchange widget on its website. This way, visitors to the CrytpoSorted website can swap CST and many other cryptocurrencies without being redirected to an external platform.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are the instant exchange listing the largest number of cryptocurrencies. To maintain our leading position, we continuously add promising digital coins and tokens to offer our customers ample trading and investment opportunities. We are positive CryptoSorted Token will gather much interest from many of our customers.”

CryptoSorted is the first community-owned crypto media project powered by its native token, CST. This project primarily focuses on creating content and tools that help users make informed and independent crypto investment decisions. Unlike other mainstream crypto media, owned and controlled by self-serving private individuals and corporations, CryptoSorted is owned by those who use it. The project’s net revenue is used to buy back CST and distribute it to investors through a liquidity provider staking program.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto swaps, supporting 2,200+ cryptocurrencies and 4.8+ million trading pairs. The company has released several B2B products and solutions to add or extend crypto processing and exchange functionality on external services. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label products. Top players in the crypto and blockchain industries have integrated LetsExchange toolkits, including Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
LetsExchange Announces New Partnership with Onez

onez (1) (1).pngLetsExchange, the instant exchange supporting the largest number of crypto assets worldwide, has announced its new partnership with Onez, an international fintech and software development company. Onez will integrate LetsExchange B2B solutions into partners’ platforms and products as part of this partnership.

Onez is a renowned developer of top-notch Web3 solutions for businesses and corporations, including white-label products for blockchain applications. One of Onez’ flagship products is a white-label self-custody crypto wallet, supporting TOP-30 coin market cap cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETC, BNB, SOL, TRX, etc.) and multiple token standards (BNB, ERC-20, TRC-10, TRC-20, SLP, ALGO, and EOS). Moreover, this crypto wallet allows the staking of TRX, SOL, AVAX, BNB, KSM, and DOT and the management and trading of NFTs (ERC-721, ERC-1155). This company has also developed a white-label non-custodial crypto exchange with more than 50,000 trading pairs (digital assets and fiat money).

Given this expertise and vast experience, Onez will be a system integrator for LetsExchange B2B products. LetsExchange has made available various B2B solutions that allow crypto-related businesses to add or extend crypto processing and exchange capabilities. These solutions comprise exchange widgets and buttons, API for developers, and white-label products.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explains Onez’s role in the integration of the solutions above: “When a company wishes to partner up with our exchange platform by integrating one of our B2B solutions, we provide them with all the necessary technical support to complete the project most efficiently. However, partners who prefer to outsource the integration project can rely on Onez to undertake all the technical tasks. This company has an impressive background in developing blockchain solutions for Web3 ecosystems. Hence, we can unreservedly recommend the Onez team for the integration of our B2B products as well as their excellent turnkey solutions in the fields of blockchain and fintech.”

Onez is an international fintech and software development company. The company has created high-quality functional products for customers all over the globe. Onez’s products guarantee a complete and diverse experience in rapidly evolving global financial systems. Some of Onez’s top-notch ready-made products are a crypto wallet, a crypto exchange, and various solutions for crypto payments, crypto accounting, and digital baking.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto swaps, supporting 2,500+ cryptocurrencies and 6.3+ million trading pairs. The company has released several B2B products and solutions to add or extend crypto processing and exchange functionality on external services. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label products. Top players in the crypto and blockchain industries have integrated LetsExchange toolkits, including Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
Faster, greener, cost-effective, and honest – an Interview with the Telos team

Telos, home to the fastest EVM, a cost-effective, greener, and honest project that leads the way for a better Web3. It offers a fast and scalable decentralized environment able to process over 10,000 transactions for building apps in a powerful, constantly growing ecosystem.

This is one of the leading layer-2 solutions, and now, its token TLOS can be bought for over 2,300 coins and tokens on LetsExchange.io. You can find out more about the project from the interview with the Telos team.

LetsExchange: Are there any main use cases for Telos? Or are you aiming for a more comprehensive application range?

Telos team: DeFi, GameFi, NFTs. Our network is optimized for many different use cases.

LetsExchange: Do you believe there are some major competitors in the sector you are working in? Which ones are they, if any?

Telos team: Other L1's such as Ethereum, and L2s such as Polygon and AVAX.

LetsExchange: Does Telos rely on the support of any influencers, media figures, or popular personalities? Or some angel investors that have been supporting the team all this time.

Telos team: We are a grassroots project with no VC funding, no major KOLs, we do not have any people on our cap table. The project has gone through very natural and organic growth with organic price discovery.

LetsExchange: Are you aiming for a specific audience? Are there any geographical preferences?

Telos team: North America, Europe.

LetsExchange: Can you determine some projects that serve as a sample for your team? Maybe there are some projects that set important milestones for you?

Telos team: Polygon.

LetsExchange: What were the main difficulties when working on the project launch and development?

Telos team: Funding has been a problem because we have decided to go the zero VC route.

LetsExchange: How did Telos handle the difficulties during the crypto winter?

Telos team: Well-maintained run-way, a well-planned roadmap, and excellent execution and allocation of our budget.

LetsExchange: What gave the founders an idea about the project’s essence? Were there any specific events that inspired them to launch such a specific project?

Telos team: There was a true desire for an equitable blockchain that served the people first, and Telos was the result of that.

LetsExchange: What are the unique features of Telos? What are the details that stay in the mind of users when they hear about your project?

Telos team: Fixed Gas Costs, Fastest TPS & Scalable, Decentralized, No Front Running, Eco-Friendly, Community Governed.
MultiRates has listed LetsExchange

MultiRates, an exchange rate monitoring service, has listed LetsExchange, a leading instant exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market.

This collaboration brings significant benefits to MultiRates users, as they now have an additional choice to find the most favorable exchange rates for their crypto transactions.
LetsExchange offers competitive exchange rates, particularly for transactions involving large sums. By opting for LetsExchange, MultiRates users can also take advantage of fast transactions and unlimited crypto swaps.

“We are excited to partner with MultiRates. This collaboration will be mutually beneficial, and we are open to establishing more affiliations with exchange rate monitoring services, as we have a special solution for them,” commented Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange.

MultiRates is a service helping users to find the most convenient and profitable way to exchange their cryptocurrency. The company supports hundreds of exchange and service providers, enabling crypto-to-crypto, crypto-to-fiat swaps and other digital fund transactions.

LetsExchange is an instant exchange platform that supports the highest number of cryptocurrencies in the market. The company continuously incorporates innovative products and solutions for B2B, which significantly impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate LetsExchange infrastructure through API, exchange widgets and buttons, white-label solutions, and other solutions.
LetsExchange and PIVX Expand their Cooperation


PIVX, an open-source and decentralized peer-to-peer currency with advanced user-data-protection features, is listed on LetsExchange, an exchange supporting the largest number of crypto assets worldwide. LetsExchange, with its fast transactions, no registration, fixed and floating rates, makes it easier than ever to swap PIVX.

LetsExchange provides a special promo code dedicated to the partnership. Users wishing to swap PIVX can use the PIVX+Lets code on LetsExchange.io to get cashback on every transaction. The code will be valid till June 18, 2023. PIVX and LetsExchange will be participating in an AMA together, more news coming soon about this event.

Regarding the cooperation with PIVX, Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are certain that many of our customers will be interested in adding PIVX to their portfolios.”

PIVX is an open-source and decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) currency featuring advanced user data protection features, community governance mechanisms, Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, and multi-purpose Masternodes.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto swaps, supporting 2,500+ cryptocurrencies and 6.3+ million trading pairs. The company has released several B2B products and solutions to add or extend crypto processing and exchange functionality on external services. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label products. Top players in the crypto and blockchain industries have integrated LetsExchange toolkits, including Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
CrystalCase to Boost New Cryptocurrencies Listed on LetsExchange

CrystalCase, a market-making company for crypto assets, will help boost the visibility and volume of new cryptocurrencies issued by LetsExchange’s partners.

This company will implement market strategies to increase trading volumes and grow the organic market. Combined with the large number of digital assets listed by LetsExchange (+2,300 at the time of writing), cryptocurrency issuers will benefit from higher visibility and faster growth for their respective coins and tokens.

“LetsExchange is undoubtedly the best option for coin teams to make their crypto assets grow and thrive. We provide top-notch crypto exchange solutions, such as an easy-to-integrate exchange widget and a Telegram bot that automates crypto trading within the app. CrystalCase will enhance these services by managing liquidity and developing a healthy market, enabling faster appreciation and adoption of cryptocurrencies issued by our partners,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained.

CrystalCase is a crypto market maker (CMM) with more than four years on the market. The company implements market strategies for crypto projects using algorithmic trading systems and deep market experience. CrystalCase provides various crypto services like market making, orderbook management, arbitrage, security, consulting, and more. The company has worked with more than forty clients, including prominent players in the industry like Nexo, Zelwin, MetaHash, LYO Credit, Paypolitan Token, EarthBi, DDKoin, Betmatch, and Hacken, to mention a few. This CMM is connected to more than fifty exchanges worldwide.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 2,300+ cryptocurrencies and 5.2+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.


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