
AMLBot Ensures the Legitimacy of Funds Transacted on LetsExchange


Nov 30, 2022

AMLBot, a company certified by the European Institute of Management and Finance, has been cooperating with LetsExchange to ensure the legitimacy of crypto funds transacted on this instant exchange platform.

AMLBot verifies that the wallet addresses transacting crypto on LetsExchange are not linked to suspicious or illegal activity. The check result is a percentage representing the probability that a particular address is associated with unlawful activity. This way, the LetsExchange staff can make better decisions to protect customers from scammers and stolen coins.

“We are committed to offering premium crypto exchange services to our clients. So, we spare no effort to ensure the security of traders, investors, and other users swapping coins on our platform. AMLBot provides us with reliable and timely information about crypto funds that might have illicit origins and wallet addresses linked to illegal activity so that we can take the necessary measures to guarantee that no malicious actors trade cryptocurrencies on our platform,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented.

AMLBot is a company providing a full range of digital asset tracking for individuals and businesses, helps detect “dirty crypto”, aids companies in achieving AML & FATF compliance, and conducts blockchain investigations. It was founded in 2019 by a team of certified AML specialists following FATF international recommendations. Currently, the company has offices around the world, particularly in Kyiv, London, Gothenburg, and Hong Kong. AMLBot uses a proprietary algorithm that analyzes over 10 thousand open sources and 2.5 thousand+ spam addresses in real time. Also, the company has the most advanced database and shows the most accurate risk score. It supports all major blockchains and the tokens on them, and the team is constantly adding support for additional cryptocurrencies.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,500 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
LetsExchange Provides Crypto Exchange Tools to PLSburn.com

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LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps supporting 3,700+ cryptocurrencies, has provided PLSburn.com, a Suite of Tools for PulseChain, with crypto exchange solutions.

As part of this collaboration, the PLSburn.com team has integrated the LetsExchange widget directly onto their website, enabling their community to seamlessly trade PLS without being redirected to external platforms. Additionally, LetsExchange has developed a dedicated Telegram bot exclusively for the PLS community, streamlining this crypto asset's trading process within the app.

“Trading PLS was never as easy as it is now with the help of the tools powered by LetsExchange. Our exchange widget and Telegram bot are excellent solutions for coin teams and community representatives who want to simplify trading their respective assets. Moreover, these solutions open the opportunity to earn money through commissions paid by LetsExchange on every transaction performed with our tools. We are certain that the PulseChain community will appreciate our exchange solutions' simplicity and high quality,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented.

PLSburn.com is “The PulseChain Suite” with token prices, charts, tools and on-ramp solutions. This ingenious application allows users to keep tabs on token prices in PulseChain and track the tokens in their wallets effortlessly. PLSburn.com ensures a safe, private, and transparent experience with zero ads, zero sign-ups, and zero tracking. With PLSburn.com, users can monitor their investments anytime, anywhere.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,500 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
LetsExchange Lists $NOOT on DEX


LetsExchange, an industry-leading instant exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies, has listed $NOOT on its DEX. As part of this new collaboration, the NOOT team has installed the LetsExchange widget on its website, enabling the trading of this meme coin without being redirected to external platforms. The NOOT team is also considering using a branded Telegram bot for crypto swaps powered by LetsExchange.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented about these developments: “We are always open to listing new and promising cryptocurrencies on our platform to keep our leadership in the market. We are certain that many of our customers will be interested in this cryptocurrency as an investment. LetsExchange has become the best platform for coin teams to launch their assets. Our platform provides the ideal conditions and the best crypto exchange tools for new assets to expand and thrive quickly.”

$NOOT bills itself as the best meme coin on the BNB chain. With 3% reflections and renounced contract, this penguin-inspired meme coin can be a safe and attractive investment opportunity. $NOOT has a maximum supply of 420.69 trillion tokens.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,700 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
AMA Session with LetsExchange and the PIVX Team

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LetsExchange.io, a leader among instant cryptocurrency exchange services, and PIVX, an open-source decentalized ecosystem that focuses on user privacy, held a joint AMA (Ask me Anything) session on Twitter. Even though our partners had some issues with their account, the AMA session still took place, and users were able to ask both teams their questions. Here is the summary of the AMA sessions: questions asked by the teams and users’ questions.

Question from PIVX: What sets LetsExchange apart as a project?

Answer: LetsExchange is an instant exchange service with the biggest number of supported coins and tokens (3,700+ today), 80 supported fiat currencies, support of cross-chain swaps, and a DEX. Our users can enjoy the service without mandatory registration, and our partners can count on an extensive set of tools, such as API, exchange widgets&buttons, referral links, and similar, to expand their activities and generate new income flows. We actively collaborate with coin teams, wallets, DEXes and CEXes, and other projects that may be interesting for our users.

Question from LetsExchange: Why proof-of-stake? How did you come to the idea that proof-of-work may not be the best option for a project like yours and how could you describe your contribution to the proof-of-stake development?

Answer: At the inception of PIVX its creators already realized that Proof or Work is not a sustainable road to go. We are very much aware of the impact PoS has on the carbon footprints, something ETH recently also acknowledged. FYI they have reduced their energy consumption by 99%...

The great value PIVX added to PoS is zkSNARKs on Proof of Stake that plays a crucial role in PIVX providing privacy (prove that the conditions for a valid transaction have been satisfied without revealing any crucial information about for instance the addresses).

Question from PIVX: Can you describe your (average) customer base? Do you use influencers?

Answer: Our customers are those interested in swapping significant sums of crypto, including rare coins, without a mandatory registration hassle. While we rely to some extent on influencers to boost brand awareness and market reach, we work independently and with our partners to promote our service.

Question from LetsExchange: PIVX was among the first projects to explore and eventually adopt the PoS consensus mechanism. Now, are you planning to shift to something else or do you still believe that PoS is perfect for a project like yours?

Answer: We are not considering moving away from #PoS. That said, we are as always closely monitoring all developments in the ecosystem and constantly match that to the requirements of #PIVX and the needs/demands from our users.

Question from PIVX: Is there a certain geographical orientation, or are you serving a global market?

Answer: We aim our services at users in all parts of the world. That’s why our website and widget are available in the most popular languages and are accessible from any point on the planet where cryptocurrencies aren’t prohibited. To facilitate transactions, we have ensured that our service supports 80+ fiat currencies, along with over 3,700 cryptocurrencies.

Question from LetsExchange: What projects served as a sample for your team to launch PIVX? Are there any projects you consider samples now?

Answer: The history and anatomy of PIVX: Founded in 2015, released 29 January 2016 and was initially called Darknet. We forked from Dash, which in its turn forked from Bitcoin. The Zerocoin protocol is used for achieving privacy.

PIVX is the first implementation of zkSNARKs on Proof of Stake. And that also sums up the permissionless aspect of the blockchain: you see something good, use it, improve it, let others use it.

So in short, PIVX expanded on other projects and other projects got inspired by PIVX.

Question from PIVX: In crypto we see lots of highs and unfortunately also lots of lows. How do you navigate those?

Answer: We always work to deliver the best and the most comprehensive service and rely on our specialists to find the best solutions. With it, we are sure that we can handle any lows. In addition, fluctuation periods enable users to find the most stable assets (not stable coins, of course). And swap or buy them with our service.

Question from LetsExchange: Do PIVX coin holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project?

Answer: Excellent question and strikes to the core of what we are at @_PIVX We are a #DAO decentralized, community driven, with community driven governance.

So we can answer this short and sweet: Absolutely! It is even expected. We are all Satoshi We are all decentralized We are all the ecosystem We are all #pivx

Question from PIVX: The market changes frequently and unexpectedly. What is your secret to staying future proof, and more importantly relevant?

Answer: We follow all the important market events and adjust to them accordingly. Our service is being upgraded, and new features are constantly added to ensure our users can find whatever they need. We also keep track of the assets supported on our service and promptly remove those compromised for some reason.

Question from LetsExchange: Do you believe that projects focused on privacy, such as PIVX, can lay the foundation for Web3?

Answer: Web3, and the metaverse will not only show an increased need and demand for decentralized approach to crypto, but also towards privacy. For that requirement PIVX is well suited.....

Additionally web3 and the metaverse will require a high degree of interoperability, low to negligible fees, high-speed portability and micro payments....

These requirements are complex and is not something projects have successfully addressed. That said, would be a great opportunity for PIVX to capitalize on.

Question from PIVX: How do you see the relevance of CEX and DEX in the ecosystem?

Answer: Both play a crucial role in the ecosystem, each in its niche. The major CEXes provide our service with practically unlimited liquidity sources and extensive sets of functionalities to benefit from crypto, while DEXes ensure a safe and convenient environment for P2P swaps. We do whatever is possible to leverage all the benefits both types of ecosystems offer.

Question from LetsExchange: PIVX is among the top most actively developed projects even though it doesn’t have a team in its traditional sense. How do you manage it?

Answer: Again, a great question, and above all great observation!!! Also an important one as it strikes at the core of how decentralization can come to live and be successful.

Simple answer would be: PIVX is a Proof of Community blockchain that thrives because of its community.

But there is more to it. As a DAO we are a decentralized project: no ceo, no one in charge, no centralized decision making, no centralized funding etc. But that also introduces the challenge to get work done, and let us all sing "kumbaya" by the campfire instead.

That is a delicate balance to strike, but PIVX found it. Having a continuous rotation of fresh people engaging in the PIVX ecosystem is crucial to that.

Some projects have – for better for worse – key insiders linger on that can* hamper development. (*can, not always will of course). Secondly it is important to let people do what they what, what can and what they like: a meritocracy approach pur sang.

Our famed and acclaimed community designed governance fits right in there!!

Question from PIVX: Is there anything that has inspired the founders to launch this specific project with these features?

Answer: Most services require users to pass a long and fussy verification process, set limitations on how many coins can be swapped, or exchange crypto at inconvenient rates. So, our main aim was to create a platform where all these drawbacks are eliminated. Along with it, we aim at being a platform with the biggest number of supported assets, a super easy interface, and the most extensive functionality that allows our users to perform their activities in a single place.

Question from LetsExchange: How did the project survive the crypto winter?

Answer: Well, basically we can sum that up in one word: experience. PIVX was created in 2015, launched January 2016, so we have gone through a lot of bull and bear markets.

What we learned from that is 2 things: always operate lean and mean, and have a Treasury that can fuel development and operations. Continuity is the #1 priority of any project, PIVX is no exception.

Our Treasury is continuously funded, so we are in very good shape. Plus, most importantly our community is relentless in offering its time, resources and skills for free. We are all volunteers, we are all PIVX.

Question from PIVX: What have we forgotten to ask you that you think is important to share?

Answer: LetsExchange is one of the most dynamically developing services in the niche. We are open to new collaborations and offer our users and partners an extensive set of products. Among them are API, widgets and buttons, referral links, white-label solutions, and a branded Telegram bot, and for our partners, we offer mutually beneficial marketing activities. So, we are here, and we are open to discussion.

Question from LetsExchange: Are there any projects that you can consider your main competitors?

Answer: Not wanting to sound arrogant, but PIVX is not really that concerned with competition. We say so for three reasons.

First of all we wholeheartedly believe in decentralization which means we support permissionlessness. Anyone can copy PIVX and label it under a new name. That open door policy makes us stronger.

Secondly we focus on our community and the market we serve, not focus on other providers.

Lastly, we also need to realize we are still very much in the early days of blockchain and crypto. Important is to jointly promote the movement of blockchain and crypto rather than land grab market(share). Remember: United we stand, Divided we fall....

Question from PIVX: Where can we find more information on LetsExchange, like your website and socials?

Answer: All the most important and up-to-date information can be found on our Twitter account and in our blog. Additionally, we are working on a new design for our website to provide even more information to our users and partners.

Question from LetsExchange: What do you think of MiCA? Do you believe it is going to speed up crypto adoption in Europe? Does the new crypto regulation endanger such projects as yours in one or another way or on the contrary, are you optimistic about future developments?

Answer: The Markets in Crypto-Assets (official name of MiCA) regulation focuses on maintaining financial stability and protecting investors while promoting more widespread transformation in the crypto asset sector in Europe.

Good: - acknowledge crypto and digital assets, - promote/protect innovation in the financial sector, - provide clarity to the service providers EU wide, - agendize crypto globally to regulators, - boosts professionalism in the crypto ecosystem.

Bad: - CASPs (crypto asset service providers) can be easier shut down, - creeping paternalism (big brother knows what is good for you), - Stablecoin approach, - and lastly and most bizarre: CBDCs are exempt from the rules!? So much for a leveled playing field…..

Blind spot:

- DeFi,

- NFTs,

- crypto lending,

- staking

- and possible others.

#PIVX itself does not have an opinion, our members of the community might have.

Question from LetsExchange: PIVX burns 100% of transaction fees. Don’t your validators complain about it as it reduces their income?

Answer: - First of all the PIVX fees are low, really low.

- Secondly our master-node holders are ample compensated for their efforts. We recently actually doubled the rewards, now 5 PIVs per master-node per day. The model for rewarding is not focused on the fees in the PIVX ecosystem.

Questions from Twitter user: The transaction speed: how do you compete with more recent blockchains in this regard?

Answer: PIVX transaction speed is fast and capable of up to 173 TPS, with blocks processed approximately every 60 seconds. Although PIVX scores well here, that is only 1 part of the equation. There are also fees (cost per transaction) and liquidity (tradability) to consider.

Questions from Twitter user: Staking rewards are pretty low, as well as rewards for running a masternode. Do you believe it is all sustainable in the long term?

Answer: For $PIVX? The rewards were increased earlier this year.
LetsExchange has implemented Crystal Blockchain’s solution for AML verification


LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, has implemented Crystal Blockchain’s solution to monitor crypto transactions made through the exchange and meet Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations.

This way, LetsExchange users and partners can rest assured that the money they transact is not linked to illegal activities or wrongdoings, and funds they receive are legitimate.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explains the importance of this partnership: “We are aware of the illicit use that some malicious actors give to cryptocurrencies, leveraging the anonymity and irreversibility of crypto transactions to operate with impunity. Our partnership with Crystal Blockchain will give our customers and partners peace of mind since they can be sure they only deal on our exchange with ‘clean’ crypto funds.”

Crystal Blockchain is an Amsterdam-headquartered blockchain analytics company that builds solutions to streamline crypto compliance operations and aid investigations into financial crime. Crystal works globally with customers in the digital asset industry, banking and regulatory sectors, and enforcement agencies. The company’s solution currently supports 335 blockchains, including Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum (including ERC-20, ERC-721), Ethereum Classic, Binance Smart Chain (including BEP-20), Tron (including TRC-20), Litecoin, Stellar, Ripple, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash, Algorand, EOS, Solana, Matic, Cardano, Radix, Velas, Klaytn, Celo, Avalanche, and others.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 3,500+ cryptocurrencies and 14.2+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
LetsExchange Strengthens Platform Security with HackenProof

LetsExchange Strengthens Platform Security with HackenProof​


LetsExchange, a leading instant exchange supporting the biggest number of crypto coins and tokens in the market, tightens the security of its online services and products through collaboration with HackenProof, a bug bounty platform providing additional security layer for crypto projects.

Although LetsExchange has just recently made this collaboration public, the private bug bounty program of the platform has been taking place for a while. LetsExchange has run a bounty program on HackenProof for white hat hackers to find web and API vulnerabilities on its various services and products. According to the program rules, an individual finding a critical vulnerability will be rewarded up to $2,000. Finding high-, medium-, and low-risk vulnerabilities is also rewarded, albeit with smaller bounties.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “Users should not provide us with access to their funds not involved in the exchange nor their private keys. Thus they can rest assured that their coins and tokens are safe when transacting on our platform. Nevertheless, we want to ensure that no vulnerabilities remain, which might cause uncomfortable situations for our customers. Hence, we reward security experts who find vulnerabilities on our platform.”

HackenProof is an expert bug bounty platform for crypto projects. It comprises 20,000+ ethical hackers who have contributed to protecting $28+ billion in user crypto funds. Crypto projects and companies can run bug bounty programs on HackerProof, through which registered white hat hackers find and report vulnerabilities. Currently, 70 programs are running on this platform. Since its launch in 2017, HackerProof has submitted 10,140 reports on security risks and vulnerabilities on various crypto platforms.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,800 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
One of the Biggest Threats to the Crypto Industry is a Lack of Regulation – Alex J., CPO at LetsExchange
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One of the biggest threats to the cryptocurrency industry is a lack of regulation and standards, as well as the lack of knowledge and personal irresponsibility of users.

“We understand that an endless volume of sensitive information may become an object of fraudulent attacks. Starting with login credentials or private keys and finishing with personal data. Phishing attacks, malware and ransomware, smart contract vulnerabilities, social engineering attacks and many other kinds of attacks – it’s our reality right now. But all this is the consequence of two key problems, which, unfortunately, cannot be solved quickly. The first is the lack of knowledge and personal irresponsibility of users. The second is the lack of regulation and standards,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, stated in an interview with SafetyDetective.com.

Alex J. emphasized that LetsExchange.io operates based on a non-custodial model, which means users retain control over their funds throughout the exchange process. User assets are not stored on the platform. It reduces the risk of assets being compromised due to hacking or internal vulnerabilities. That is why the LetsExchange team prioritizes user education on security best practices by providing resources and guidance to assist users in protecting their funds and assets and promoting user awareness. With it, the platform empowers users to enhance their security proactively.

As for regulation, the absence of comprehensive rules and industry standards in cryptocurrency can leave users vulnerable to security risks. The lack of clear security practices and compliance guidelines may contribute to vulnerabilities and make it challenging to hold malicious actors accountable.

“To mitigate these cybersecurity threats, users and industry stakeholders must adopt best security practices and educate users on choosing and using reliable services. Additionally, industry collaboration, ongoing security research, and the development of robust security standards can help strengthen the overall security posture of the cryptocurrency industry,” he added.
LetsExchange And Everstake Will Share Information On Crypto Assets

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LetsExchange, an industry-leading instant exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market, and Everstake, a company running highly secure and reliable nodes for PoS protocols, have established a partnership. Within the scope of this agreement, the two companies will share information on crypto assets to enhance the security and reliability of their services.

Moreover, LetsExchange will suggest Everstake as a trusted staking provider to its users via a specific menu in the exchange widget. Reciprocally, Everstake will list LetsExchange as a recommended crypto exchange platform. The companies also plan to hold several joint events for their users.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “To maintain our leadership in the market, we seek to forge partnerships with key companies in the crypto industry like Everstake, which offers staking opportunities using enterprise-grade infrastructure. We are sure our collaboration will be rewarding for both parties.”

Everstake is a responsible validator trusted by 625k+ users across 70+ blockchain networks, created by engineers for the entire community in 2018. Everstake is running over 8,000 nodes for 70+ blockchain protocols, including bridges and oracles. This company creates liquid staking products like Eversol and invests in promising blockchain startups in early phases via Everstake Capital. Among 25+ success stories of such investments are Solana, Wormhole, Metaplex, Pyth, The Graph, and more.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 3,900+ cryptocurrencies. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.

Buy and Sell Cryptocurrencies for Fiat on LetsExchange​

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LetsExchange, an industry-leading exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market, has added on-ramp and off-ramp functionalities to its platform. With this development, users can now easily buy and sell cryptocurrencies for fiat money on this exchange.

Buying or selling cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange is straightforward. Users must pick the Buy/Sell mode on the exchange widget, choose the cryptocurrency to buy or sell, the corresponding fiat currency, and the payment method. After these simple steps, the system will select the most convenient exchange rate across several on- and off-ramp providers.

Users can buy or sell over 190 cryptocurrencies with over 40 fiat currencies. However, LetsExchange has plans to expand its offering by partnering with more on- and off-ramp providers, ensuring access to a broader number of crypto assets.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We strive to provide our customers with an all-inclusive service – crypto swaps, purchase/sale, DEX, and more. Adding on-ramp and off-ramp functionalities is part of this effort to offer a one-stop crypto platform to our clientele. Despite the goals achieved so far, there is much to be done. We are open to partnering and integrating with additional providers that can help expand our offerings.”

Service providers that can contribute to expanding the LetsExchange on- and off-ramp capabilities are welcome to contact us. LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,900 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
The DeXe Token (DEXE) Is Now Available on LetsExchange
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LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market, has listed the DeXe Token (DEXE) for trading. Users can now swap DEXE for other 3,900+ digital assets most conveniently. Moreover, DeXe Network, a decentralized social trading platform, is considering integrating the LetsExchange widget on its website. This will allow the DeXe community to exchange the token quickly and hassle-free directly on the site without registration.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We are continuously listing more tokens and coins to ensure our customers have various profitable investment opportunities. DEXE is a crypto asset that will undoubtedly attract the interest of traders and investors using our platform.”

The DeXe Protocol is the all-in-one toolkit to help DAO creators and members build DAOs that have faster, more sustainable, and more equitable growth based on the principles of transparency, community, and incentives that reward meritocracy.

The $DEXE token is an ERC-20 native token also available as BEP-20. It is the governance token of the DeXe DAO and has utility within the protocol. $DEXE is included in the DeXe DAO treasury to be deployed as decided by the DAO's members via the proposal cycle.
LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 3,900+ cryptocurrencies. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
LetsExchange Lists the $DUCKIES Token
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LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform supporting over 3,900 crypto assets, announces today the listing of the $DUCKIES token for trading. $DUCKIES is the token powering Duckies, a Yellow’s Canary Network, and Ducklings, an NFT trading card game.

At this point, the Yellow Network community will be able to swap $DUCKIES directly on LetsExchange. Soon, LetsExchange will also power a Telegram bot to streamline the trading of this token on the Telegram app.

“Our exchange lists the largest number of tokens and cryptocurrencies in the market. To keep our leadership in the industry, we continuously add new and promising crypto assets to our platform. We strive to offer our customers a vast array of profitable investment and trading opportunities. The listing of the $DUCKIES token is part of this expanding strategy,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained.

Yellow Network is a Layer-3 peer-to-peer (P2P) network that uses state channel technology to securely exchange liquidity & facilitate trading, clearing, settlement, and compliance. Duckies the Canary Network for Yellow, is a scalable experimental platform built to explore the power of Yellow Network and contribute to advancing the state channels-powered ecosystem of Web3 technologies. Ducklings is a community-powered Web3 game based on melding various duckies NFTs to get to the ultimate Duckling Mythic.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,900 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
AMA Session with LetsExchange and the RBX Team
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LetsExchange, the instant crypto exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market, and RBX, a novel ecosystem of DeFi 2.0 DApps, utilities, and protocols, held a joint AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Twitter on July 18, 2023. Participants were excited to have the opportunity to know these companies better. Below, we summarize the questions from team members and users.

Question from RBX: Please, tell us a little bit about your team and how this company started.

Answer: LetsExchange was launched in March 2021, and in just one year, the service has become one of the top-5 services that provide crypto swaps. Further, we have expanded the range of features, launched several B2B solutions, added buying and selling crypto for fiat, and established cooperation with numerous partners and affiliates. Now, our users can swap over 3,900 coins and tokens without registration and buy or sell crypto for over 190 fiat currencies in a safe environment. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK, Beldex, Telos, and many others.

Question from LetsExchange: Your project is quite unique; there are not so many competitors in the market, at least for now. How did you come up with the idea of offering such products to DeFi?

Answer: RBX goal has been since its inception to build and provide user friendly one stop shop for DeFi traders. This has required a long path of development, testing and releasing the range of products that we have today. Our priority is DeFi adoption so all our product range is widgetized for any project to integrate easily and seamlessly into any website.

Our latest product, Skipshift is the one that is getting most attention. A truly groundbreaking product. A decentralized P2P on and off ramp, any payment method, any currency, all in a decentralized and private manner. Users can move from fiat to crypto and vice versa without the need of a centralized entity and without the need of KYC. Users can also earn income by providing liquidity with their fiat or crypto and generate revenue from the spread on each trade.

Our main product has been our Multi chain DEX. It can trade across 20+ chains, limit orders, cross swaps, faster quotes, auto slippage and many other features. Our proprietary Teleswap router gathers prices from over 300+ DEXes to offer the best price for your trades. No need to go to different DEXes to trade on different chains. All in one place.

Question from RBX: Where is your company from?

Answer: Our company is registered in Seychelles, and our team members are from all parts of the world, such as the USA, the UK, Mexico, Ukraine, and others. Thus we've gathered the best experts in the industry.

Question from LetsExchange: So, your product is aimed at improving the existing DeFi ecosystems. Why have you selected DeFi as your target and not, say exchanges, or other similar ecosystems?

Answer: Even in the crypto space, centralization enables malintent. As we have seen with the failure of FTX - misuse of customer funds, behaving recklessly and selling consumer data - there is an inherent risk to the customer.

So, from our perspective, given the troubles that some centralized entities have been exposing over the last few years, the increasing regulatory pressure and KYC requirements, it has become evident to us that DeFi provides transparency and fairness into finance while maintaining the privacy that users need.

Question from RBX: What products and services does LetsExchange offer? Any new products or services to be launched anytime soon?

Answer: For now, we offer 3,900 coins and tokens available for swaps, including cross-chain swaps, on- and off-ramp of 190+ cryptocurrencies with 40+ fiat currencies, and a DEX for those who prefer decentralized swaps.

We also have a wide range of B2B solutions for crypto processing. Our partners and affiliates can benefit from an API for developers, exchange widgets and buttons, a branded Telegram bot, white-label solutions, and referral links. All these solutions are fully customizable to match brand and business needs.

For 2023, we plan a series of platform upgrades, including redesigning our website, adding new liquidity and fiat providers and so on. We also plan to launch a custodial and a non-custodial wallets, to add new trending coins, and in general, to respond to our users’ needs in a fast and efficient way to ensure they get from our service all that they need.

Follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter to stay posted.

Question from LetsExchange: Do you have a liquidity pool to enable seamless swaps for those who integrate your products or you offer merely technical solutions, and the companies have to count on their own resources to make it all work as expected?

Answer: Our DEX works as an aggregator, gathering prices from over 300+ to offer traders the best prices. Trades go through our proprietary Teleswap router so we ensure the fastest quotes and best prices.

Skipshift, our decentralized P2P ramp liquidity model, is supported by users providing liquidity from their fiat or crypto assets and earning revenue by doing so. This unique solution eliminates any point of censorship or failure as it is also permissionless.

Question from RBX: What are LetsExchange.io goals?

Answer: Our main goal is to maintain leadership among other instant crypto exchange services and to expand the range of services offered by our platform to enable our community and partners to cover all their needs when it comes to crypto.

Question from LetsExchange: Now, there is a question about on/off-ramp. You claim there is no KYC needed to buy crypto with fiat or fiat with crypto. What is the process and how does it work?

Answer: Skipshift is an end-to-end P2P trading system, allowing on/off ramp without using a CEX. No KYC required, full autonomy over your trading. It is no exaggeration to say this represents a paradigm shift in the Web3 Space. Any currency, in a totally decentralized and private fashion.

Unlike other ramp solutions that rely on a centralized source of liquidity, SkipShift’s decentralized liquidity model eliminates any central point of failure or censorship. It’s also permissionless, enabling anyone to earn yield by providing liquidity. Most importantly, this yield is derived solely from the price spread on trades, which is essentially a bid/ask between market and ramp prices. This approach allows liquidity providers to earn yield on both their fiat and digital assets, a first in the industry. It basically gives liquidity providers the chance to earn yield with risk free returns.

A key feature is that users don’t need to disclose any KYC as they’re transacting directly with a private counterparty. The protocol automates all aspects of the process, including secure trustless escrows for both sides of a trade.

Despite the automation, there is an optional encrypted chat available if a user needs to communicate directly with a provider (or vice versa). All messages are end-to-end encrypted and handled in a decentralized manner; by using the XMTP protocol, users communicate directly using just their wallet addresses.

The Skipshift widget is available to anyone. Totally free - we’re all about adoption.

Question from RBX: What would you say are LetsExchange's biggest challenges and best advantages?

Answer: The main advantages are safety, security, attention to users, and the range of services offered, including the biggest number of supported coins and tokens (over 3,900 as of now) across the entire market.

The main challenges are relatively low crypto adoption, uncertainty with the crypto regulation, and high competition. However, we follow all the market and regulatory updates and consider the needs and wishes of our users to move on with further development and implement the features that our community expects to see.

Question from LetsExchange: You claim that your solutions are “uncensored”, and “decentralized”. Do you bear any responsibility for the solutions offered by you to other companies?

Answer: Absolutely none, but we do the right thing and build good reliable products, offer tech support 24/7 to all users of our products. The positive experience that our users, partners and clients have with our products and services is what has made us grow into a company that has built many long lasting trustworthy business relationships.

Question from RBX: How does your company approach the current crypto environment with CEX, being targeted showcasing the need and growth of DeFi?

Answer: All crypto operations shall be performed in a safe environment, and the protection of users’ funds and privacy shall be the main priority, no matter whether it is a centralized exchange, a DEX, or an instant exchange service like our platform.

DeFi has great perspectives, but we shall admit that for now, the industry is still very young, the security is low, and thus, the sector attracts many malicious players. Once proper regulation is in place and all the needed security measures are developed and implemented, DeFi may change the financial world. However, CEX plays a crucial role in the crypto industry, and for now, we don’t see how (and why) it can be changed.

Question from LetsExchange: Could you please elaborate on the Forge product? Is it for purely internal purposes or it can be used by your partners in one or another way?

Answer: Forge is where our development team goes beyond current available solutions in the web3 space to test and trial innovative products in DeFi. This is used for internal development but partnerships arise and evolve into developing unique solutions that go beyond of what’s currently available in the DeFi space.

Question from RBX: Given the difficulties to bring trustworthiness and new investors into crypto. How does LetsExchange approach this problem?

Answer: We are always transparent with our users. In our exchange widget, one can track the swap status at each step of exchanging coins. After the operation is completed, a user can download a receipt with all the details. Customer support is available 24/7 to reply to any questions and solve the issues that may arise. The platform has a very high rating on TrustPilot, which also tells a lot.

We would say that building trust is not a problem for us but the result of the hard and diligent work that we do every day.

Question from LetsExchange: How do you ensure the safety of all your solutions? Are there any audits performed?

Answer: At RBX we take very seriously the safety and reliability of our products. Before any product is released it goes through a long process of testing. Starting from the development team, to internal team, to beta testing and community. After a certain period of time we can ensure bugs are cleared out and the product is ready to be released for public use.

We provide a tech support channel on Telegram available 24/7 for anyone that has any problem. Our support team is there to help out when using any of our products. No other DEX offers this.

We also in certain occasions provide additional safety by audits; this has been applied for our staking widget for partners and clients.

Providing reliable and safe DeFi products is where reputation is built for us, this means everything in DeFi, and it comes from our clients and partners. The satisfaction of our clients and partners when integrating our products and the reliability of them for extended periods of time is what we are most proud of and helps us to grow and build trust with our brand.

How many protocols and projects have been audited and later on they have been hacked? Quite a few of them.

In RBX we work really hard to bring trustworthiness into DeFi and this is only achieved when you offer reliable and safe products that clients are happy to integrate and use for extended periods of time.

Question from RBX: In what position do you want your company to be in once the next bullrun arrives?

Answer: We are planning to maintain leadership in the number of crypto assets supported. This is our core advantage compared to similar services. And the next bull run, we expect people and investors looking for assets beyond the top 100 on CMC.

Question from LetsExchange: How do you monetize your solutions?

Answer: As we widgetize our products for clients and partners to integrate, a passive income can be achieved by doing this. As an example, any project that integrates our DEX widget can set up the percentage fee they will be earning from all trades done inside their widget. So from that point onward, they will be earning a passive income from all trades done on their DEX. Inside RBXdefi.co, you can create your own widget and just paste the code in your site. https://rbxdefi.com/integrate

Question from LetsExchange: How did the project survive the crypto winter?

Answer: Crypto winter has not been easy for anyone, especially in DeFi. At RBX we work really hard on making reliable products. This has paid off as customers, clients and partners come to us for reliable solutions that we can help out with.

Question from LetsExchange: What do you think the future of DeFi is in the further development of Web3 and the crypto market?

Answer: From our perspective, bridges must be built between TradFi and DeFi in a decentralized manner. DeFi must provide friendly UX to onboard mainstream users. Easy access, friendly interfaces, reliability, and security will help increase its adoption. RBX keeps building tools and products targeting these goals.

Given the failure of several centralized exchanges, increased regulatory pressure and restrictions, inflationary pressure and KYC requirements, decentralized finance is heading into the spotlight as a solution to solve these problems.

Question from Twitter user: Can an individual use your products? Or are they aimed at companies only?

Answer: LetsExchange has products for users - Swap of 3,900+ crypto assets, DEX, fiat on- & off-ramp (190+crypto and 40+ fiat), and affiliate tools

What about you @RBXtoken?

Users, users and users. Our DEX is designed with users in mind. Lightning fast cross chain, simply the best DEX you will ever use. An integration with @CryptoLink_Tech makes it even better. Skipshift let’s users on and off ramp crypto->fiat and vice versa in the easiest way.

Question from Twitter user: The DeFi sector is in decline, and with the imposing of regulation, its future is dubious. Do you have any backup plans in case DeFi is banned or collapses as an industry?

Answer: No one can ban DeDi. True decentralization will be around forever. DeFi will grow as more and more people realize centralization brings malintent.

Question from Twitter user: Any reasons why one should invest in your token? What utility does it provide? How can it be used at all?

Answer: RBX token is the gateway token for Skipshift our P2P on/off ramp. As volumes rise, and we seek and destroy centralized exchanges…the price will rise considerably.

That, and a proven track record of delivery ;)

We are the postmen of DeFi. We deliver.
The Attack Wagon Token (ATK) Is Now Available for Trading on LetsExchange

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LetsExchange, a crypto exchange platform listing the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market, has recently listed the Attack Wagon token (ATK) for trading. Users can now freely swap this token for over 3,900 other crypto assets without mandatory registration.

Moreover, Attack Wagon is considering integrating the LetsExchange widget into its website. This way, the Attack Wagon community will be able to trade the ATK token without being redirected to external sites.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “Our exchange lists the largest number of coins and tokens among all similar platforms worldwide. This strategy empowers our customers to diversify their crypto investments and profit from novel and promising cryptocurrencies. That’s why we are always open to expanding our list of supported crypto assets. The recent ATK listing is part of this effort. We are certain that many of our customers will be interested in ATK as an investment.”

Attack Wagon is a blockchain video game studio bringing free-to-earn video games drenched in story and beautiful artwork. ATK is a play-to-earn (P2E) token operating on the Polygon platform, set to change the gaming landscape. The ATK token has multiple functions on the Attack Wagon platform. It can be used for purchases within Scrap Guilds and other titles. Besides, ATK will also be used when buying and upgrading NFTs and to pay PVP entry fees. Moreover, users winning rewards will get ATK tokens.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,900 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
LetsExchange Nominated for the “Crypto Payment Solution of the Year” Award at the SiGMA CIS/Balkans Summit 2023

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LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps that supports the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, has been nominated for the “CRYPTO PAYMENT SOLUTION OF THE YEAR” Award at the SiGMA CIS/Balkans Summit 2023.

The SiGMA CIS/Balkans Summit 2023, organized by the SiGMA Group, will take place in Limassol, Cyprus, from September 4 to September 7.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented about this nomination: “We are delighted to be nominated to one of these prestigious awards. It indicates that our platform maintains its global leadership in an increasingly competitive market.”

LetsExchange asks its clients and partners to help win this award by voting for LetsExchange. Just follow these simple steps:

  • Open the SiGMA CIS/Balkans Awards 2023 voting page by clicking here.
  • Enter your First Name, Last Name, and E-mail on the electronic form.
  • Scroll down to the PAYMENT PROVIDER OF THE YEAR category and click on the field beside ‘LetsExchange.’ You can vote for companies in other categories if you wish.
  • Send your vote by clicking the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.
We thank you for your vote and support. We remain committed to offering premium crypto exchange services with various payment, trading, and investment opportunities.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,200 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 80 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.

The SiGMA Group is an events and media organization focused on iGaming, blockchain, crypto and emerging tech. SiGMA’s international and regional summits are forums where the world’s leading authorities in iGaming and related technologies discuss this industry’s current status and future developments.
How does AML crypto screening verification work, and why should you use services that check users' funds?
The control over cryptocurrencies is increasing simultaneously with their growing use worldwide. Companies that accept cryptocurrencies as payment for their goods or services are interested in ensuring they only get funds not associated with illegal activities or crimes. That's why LetsExchange implemented AML crypto screening of all incoming funds to guarantee users will receive only “clean” coins and tokens to use further.

We decided to interview one of our AML providers – AMLBot, to explain how the crypto screening process works and why users should be concerned not about it but about high-risk coins.

AML, in simple terms​

Let's start with the basics: what is AML risk (or signal)?

AML stands for Anti-Money Laundering. AML risk is the potential risk associated with specific transactions or users involved in money laundering activities. Money laundering is disguising the proceeds of illegal activity as legitimate funds, often through a series of transactions and transfers.

AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations and procedures are implemented to prevent, detect, and report money laundering activities. AML risk can arise from various sources, including suspicious transaction patterns, unusual account activity, or other red flags that may indicate potential money laundering. These signals alert financial institutions and other organizations to the potential for money laundering so that they can take appropriate action to prevent, detect, and report such activities.

Who defines the categories of risks?

AML risk categories are typically defined by regulatory bodies and financial institutions following anti-money laundering laws and regulations. These categories are used to assess the level of risk associated with certain transactions or customers and to determine the appropriate level of due diligence and monitoring required to mitigate that risk. In some cases, blockchain analytic companies such AMLBot may also define their risk categories based on their internal risk assessment methodologies. These categories may be related to legislation or other regulatory requirements or based on the company’s own assessment of the risks associated with certain transactions or customers.

Based on what principles and criteria are cryptocurrency wallets and transactions classified as risky or non-risky?

Cryptocurrencies, wallets, and transactions are classified as risky or non-risky based on several criteria. These might include factors like the source of the funds and wallets’ connections to those sources, as well as the nature and frequency of the transactions made from a particular wallet.

Information used to classify wallets and transactions as risky or non-risky is collected through a variety of means. This can include monitoring transaction activity on the blockchain, analyzing patterns of behavior associated with certain wallets, grouping those wallets together to create different clusters (dark market, exchange, mixer, etc.), and cross-referencing information with law enforcement and regulatory databases. Financial institutions and other organizations may also have their own internal systems for monitoring and assessing risk, which can include machine learning algorithms and other advanced analytical tools.

Can individuals check their crypto wallets and transactions?

Yes, individuals can check their crypto wallets and transactions for AML risks. This is necessary to avoid problems with frozen crypto funds and other undesirable consequences. It is possible to conduct this type of screening through services such as AMLBot. It is highly recommended that all unknown wallets be checked prior to receiving the transaction. It is possible for individuals who have no boundaries with illicit activities to have a high-risk score simply because they are unaware of the risks and have poor crypto hygiene.

What percentage of risk is acceptable? What does it mean for the cryptocurrency owner if, for example, their assets have a risk score of 30% in the Scam category?

The acceptable percentage of a wallet or transaction risk can vary and is often defined by the specific AML Policy of a business. A crypto business shall define its risk appetite based on the types of customers they work with, jurisdictions, etc. So, there is no universal answer to this question, as different businesses might treat the same transaction differently. In addition, the user should pay attention to the two components – the overall risk score and exposure to a particular risk category. For example, a risk score of 30% in the Scam category could indicate a significant risk that may result in the coins being flagged or transactions being blocked.

How can a user keep his/her assets safe and maintain an appropriate risk score of wallet?

To prevent receiving high-risk funds, users can utilize services that offer AML screening to check the risk score of the wallet from which they will be receiving assets in advance.

You can take several measures to prevent receiving high-risk funds in your cryptocurrency wallet. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Utilize services that offer AML screening. You can use services that provide AML screening to check the risk score of the wallet from which you will receive assets in advance. This will help you to identify any potential risks associated with the funds and take appropriate action.
  • Don’t publish your wallet information. Avoid publishing your wallet information on public forums or social media platforms. This will reduce the chances of receiving unsolicited funds from unknown sources.
  • Use reliable services only. When transacting with cryptocurrencies, make sure to use only reliable and reputable services. This will help to ensure that the funds you receive are legitimate and not associated with any illegal activities.
  • Don’t accept funds from people you don’t know. Be cautious when accepting funds from people you don’t know. If you are unsure about the source of the funds, it is best to avoid accepting them.
  • Create a separate wallet for each transaction, separating it from your “main” wallet. Only send those assets to your main wallet once you are sure that the risk score of the transaction you just received is low.

Which wallets (services, coins) can be considered “clean”? From whom can I receive funds without concerns?

In general, assets coming from reputable licensed exchanges, merchant services, marketplaces, and payment processors can be deemed clean.

Can someone block assets considered high-risk?

Yes, assets that are considered high-risk could potentially be blocked by services that adhere to AML standards, which includes the majority of VASPs operating in the USA or European Union.

If a user uses a DeFi platform to borrow funds and earn, does their wallet become risky just because of that? Why can the DeFi platform be considered a risky source of funds?

Using a DeFi platform to borrow funds and earn does not necessarily make a wallet risky. However, DeFi platforms can be considered risky because they are often a target of malicious actors who deposit their illicit assets into these pools. The decentralized and often anonymous nature of these platforms can make it easier for bad actors to launder money or engage in other illicit activities. Therefore, funds coming from these platforms may carry a higher AML risk.
LetsExchange Participates in the Smoothie Awards Competition

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LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies worldwide, participates in the Smoothie Awards competition. Voting started on September 4, 2023, at 12:01 a.m. EST and will remain open for one week.

Smoothie Awards is a weekly competition where users upvote their favorite Web3 products. The winners are determined by a score that factors in upvotes and engagement. Each contest features seven or eight Web3 products, and users can upvote up to three per week.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “The Smoothie platform helps users to discover and trust quality Web3 products by featuring the best ones in the Smoothie Awards competition. We count on our users to support us.”

LetsExchange asks users and partners to help win this award by upvoting LetsExchange. Just follow these simple steps:

  • Open the Smoothie Awards voting page. Remember, voting for LetsExchange is available from September 4 for one week.
  • Connect your wallet (you can pick MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, or any wallet compatible with WalletConnect).
  • Vote for LetsExchange.
That’s it!

We thank you for your support. We remain committed to offering premium crypto exchange services with various payment, trading, and investment opportunities.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,300 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.

Smoothie is a review platform that helps users find the best Web3 products. It uses blockchain technology to verify that real users are writing reviews. Smoothie also hosts weekly contests called the Smoothie Awards, where founders can showcase their Web3 products. Smoothie’s internal team approves products based on several factors, including quality, legitimacy, and safety.
AnCrypto Wallet Integrates the LetsExchange’s API to Extend Its Crypto Swap Functionality


AnCrypto, a popular multi-chain crypto wallet, has integrated the LetsExchange’s API. With this development, users will enjoy extended crypto swap functionality right in this wallet application.

LetsExchange, an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies globally, provides a number of B2B solutions. Crypto-related businesses, apps, and service providers wishing to integrate LetsExchange crypto exchange swap functionality can benefit from exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, API for developers, white-label software, etc.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “Integrating our API into the AnCrypto wallet will undoubtedly bring several benefits to their users. Diversifying the providers of crypto swap and processing functionality will result in more competitive exchange rates for wallet users. Moreover, more coins and tokens will be available for swaps, increasing the opportunities for profitable trading and investment. Also, LetsExchange provides high liquidity levels, which guarantees crypto swaps without limitations.”

Companies and businesses wishing to integrate the LetsExchanges’s API or any other B2B solution receive all the necessary technical support. They also can count on additional benefits, such as marketing support, the flexibility of the revenue share model, and customer support.

AnCrypto is a multi-chain crypto wallet that supports all different types of dApps. Some of the apps found in the ecosystem include social media applications like Steemit, newsfeeds such as Reddit and Sludgefeed, and decentralized exchange markets such as Bancor, Waves DEX, and Ethfinex. AnCrypto is the world's first web3 crypto wallet that allows transferring crypto within chat following username, without public addresses.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,300 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services for users, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
LetsExchange Lists the CCD Coin and Initiates Cooperation with Concordium


LetsExchange, an industry-leading exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies worldwide, and Concordium, a public-permissionless Layer 1 blockchain enabling identification at a protocol level, have agreed to cooperate.

Within the framework of this cooperation, users can now buy, sell, and swap CCD, Concordium’s native cryptocurrency, on LetsExchange. For its part, Concordium is considering integrating the LetsExchange widget on its site and creating a Telegram bot for its community. In addition, LetsExchange will support Concordium in the company’s upcoming marketing activities.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “Listing on LetsExchange opens up the possibility for exchanging the asset for approximately 3,500 other cryptocurrencies. This is a unique option that no other service has. That’s why LetsExchange is the ideal platform to launch a new cryptocurrency or boost the popularity of an existing one.”

He added that LetsExchange solutions were specifically designed to simplify crypto exchange for the community formed around cryptocurrency.

Concordium is a permissionless green layer 1, a science-backed blockchain that balances privacy with accountability through its ID layer and Zero-knowledge proofs. Creating trust with ID is key to scaling businesses. Concordium provides a fast, secure, and high-scale blockchain platform that makes building use cases and using dApps easy.

Concordium differs by having verified ID and instant finality with high throughput, and low transaction fees, pegged to FIAT. With leadership from Fortune 500 companies, Volvo, IKEA, Credit Suisse, Uber, and successful Fintech platforms, the team is scaling the chain to its extensive network of the world’s biggest enterprises.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 3,500+ cryptocurrencies. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for business that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, Strake Foundation, FLOKI, Beldex, Telos, and many others.
LetsExchange Cooperates with Pitbull (PIT)


LetsExchange, an industry-leading exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, has listed Pitbull (PIT), a community-driven, dog-themed meme coin running on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Users can now swap this cryptocurrency with 3,500+ other coins and tokens.

Moreover, LetsExchange will help PIT’s growth in the market. LetsExchange offers various B2B solutions through which crypto-related businesses can integrate crypto exchange and processing functionality. The Pitbull team will use some of these solutions to facilitate trading the PIT coin on its own website via an exchange widget and in the Telegram app via the Telegram bot powered by LetsExchange.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “Listing PIT for trading on our exchange will surely contribute to the growth of this crypto asset. Many of our customers will undoubtedly be interested in investing in this promising meme coin. Our platform and set of B2B solutions are the best tools that development teams can leverage to boost the growth and popularity of their cryptocurrencies.”

Pitbull (PIT) is a dog-themed meme coin with a promising future. Unlike other meme coins, Pitbull has an ambitious project. The development team aims to launch many products, including a PIT magazine, a P2E game, and a metaverse. Pitbull is driven by its vibrant community.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform, supporting over 3,500 crypto coins and tokens, the highest number of cryptocurrencies across the entire market, for seamless instant crypto-to-crypto swaps at competitive rates (particularly for considerable sums) and no upper limits. The platform also provides various services, including buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, and profitable affiliate programs.
LetsExchange Lists $HAI and Provides Solutions to Facilitate this Crypto Asset Trading

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LetsExchange, the instant exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies worldwide, has listed the Hacken Token ($HAI) for trading. The crypto community can now swap this token for thousands of other assets on LetsExchange.io.

For its part, Hacken, a trusted Web3 security company and issuer of $HAI, has integrated several B2B solutions powered by LetsExchange, enabling the Hacken community to exchange the token directly on the website and applications they already know.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We have collaborated with Hacken for some time. So, listing $HAI on our platform was an expected development. As a result, our customers will have another investment and trading opportunity. Likewise, the token will increase its exposure to the crypto community, fostering its growth. In particular, the crypto asset can now be exchanged for over 3,500 cryptocurrencies, a benefit not found on other exchanges.”

LetsExchange’s B2B solutions are designed to ease buying, selling, and swapping a cryptocurrency. They empower the community created around a coin or token to transact directly on the site and products made by the cryptocurrency’s issuer with crypto processing powered by LetsExchange. Hence, LetsExchange is the ideal platform for coin teams to launch and foster the growth of their cryptocurrencies.

HAI is a Work-to-Earn, product utility, and governance token offered by Hacken, a prominent blockchain security auditor. Founded in 2017, the Hacken community is currently transitioning into a self-governed association committed to fostering trust within the Web3 ecosystem.

The Hacken token ecosystem encompasses a variety of products dedicated to enhancing the transparency and security of Web3. Facilitated by HAI's utility across a suite of products, the HAI ecosystem includes Trust Army, Hacken Extractor, hDAO, ETD, and HackenProof, all of which are committed to enhancing the transparency and security of Web3.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 3,500+ cryptocurrencies. The company constantly incorporates innovative products and solutions for businesses that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related companies can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, Strake Foundation, FLOKI, Beldex, Telos, and many others.


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